Grapes: Berries Rich in Vitamins

Every year in late summer begins the domestic grape harvest. Grapes, as grapes are also called, can then be processed into wine, juice or jelly. At the end of summer, the sun-drenched fruits are packed with nutrients. The sweet berries contain not only vitamins and minerals, but also carbohydrates such as sugar, but very few calories.

Healthy ingredients of grapes

Raisins, dried grapes, have a particularly high concentration of sugar. Not least because of this, grapes have sometimes gotten a bad reputation as fatteners. Why they are actually very healthy, however, becomes apparent when you look at the ingredients in detail. Per 100 grams, fresh grapes contain the following vitamins and minerals:

  • Potassium: 192 milligrams
  • Calcium: 12 milligrams
  • Magnesium: 9 milligrams
  • Iron: 0.5 milligrams
  • Vitamin B1: 0.05 milligrams
  • Vitamin B2: 0.03 milligrams
  • Vitamin B3: 0.3 milligrams
  • Vitamin B6: 0.07 milligrams
  • Vitamin C: 4 milligrams
  • Vitamin E: 0.7 milligrams

In addition, grapes contain small amounts of the vitamin A precursor beta-carotene.

How many calories have grapes?

With an average of 67 kilocalories (kcal), grapes are not particularly rich in calories, despite their sugar content – however, strawberries, for example, beat with only about half. In terms of calories, white or green grapes hardly differ from the red to dark blue varieties.

Grapes and their nutritional values

100 grams of the berries also have the following nutritional values:

The health benefits of grapes.

Like many other fruits, white and red grapes consist mostly of water – about 81 percent. In addition, grapes contain vital vitamins such as vitamins C and E, which have an antioxidant effect and thus contribute to cell protection as free radical scavengers. Minerals such as potassium and magnesium are important for muscle and nerve function, as well as for regulating fluid balance in the body. The dietary fibers contained promote digestion. Secondary plant compounds such as resveratrol have a beneficial effect on the elasticity of the skin and can help prevent diseases such as arteriosclerosis and probably cancer.

Grapes for weight management

Grapes are virtually fat-free and do not act as fatteners, despite the relatively high carbohydrate or sugar content. Half of the sugar contained is in the form of fructose, which, unlike refined granulated sugar, is metabolized by the body independently of insulin. As a result, the blood sugar level hardly rises. Nevertheless, grapes also contain a lot of glucose (dextrose), which is why diabetics should eat the fruit only in moderation. With just 84 kilocalories, a portion of grapes (125 g) can be enjoyed with a clear conscience as a slim snack between meals. By comparison, just 20 grams of chocolate already contain 107 kilocalories.

Grapes have a detoxifying effect

On top of that, grapes contain lots of fiber, which makes you feel full faster. The fiber contained in the seeds and skins also cleanse the body from the inside, strengthen the immune system and help to purify. The high potassium content also helps to remove excess fluid from the body. The valuable fruit acids support this process by helping to break down harmful waste products. If you ever get an appetite between meals in the course of a diet, feel free to reach for the berry-strong grape snack.

Grapes for cell protection

While grapes contain comparatively few vitamins C and E, they come up trumps with B vitamins and valuable secondary plant compounds – including flavonoids and resveratrol. Resveratrol and oligomeric procyanidins (OPC) make grapes a healthy power fruit. Both OPC and resveratrol have a beneficial effect on blood circulation and thus contribute to vascular health. Grapes can thus prevent numerous cardiovascular diseases. Since not only many of the antioxidants contained, but also a large part of the OPC is located in the seeds, seedless grapes are considered less healthy.Therefore, if you want to make grape juice yourself, you should juice the grapes whole. Of course, grapes can also be processed in a smoothie together with other fresh ingredients.

White or red grapes – which varieties are healthier?

When it comes to health benefits, the color of grapes also plays a role in choosing varieties. Blue and red grape varieties contain significantly more antioxidants than light grapes. The dark blue pigment anthocyanin is considered a particularly strong radical scavenger. This is also where the health-promoting effect of red wine comes from. Enjoyed in moderation, red wine is said to be able to prevent cardiovascular diseases, among other things. When processing the red grapes, by the way, stems and seeds are pressed with – quite unlike white wine.

Valuable grape seeds

In agriculture, a distinction is also made between wine grapes for wine production and table grapes for consumption. The seeds of both types of grapes can be used to produce grape seed oil or grape seed extract. Grape seed oil production also yields grape seed flour, which – just like grape seed extract – is used as a dietary supplement, among other applications.

Grapes in the kitchen

Grapes can be enjoyed as a tasty and healthy snack on their own or added to cereals, oatmeal and salads. To do this, you can cut the grapes into halves or add them whole. Whether as an appetizer, a snack for in between meals or as a healthy dessert: grapes are suitable for almost any occasion. The sweet raisins in particular are considered stimulating brain food. However, due to their high sugar content, they should only be enjoyed in moderation. Many mueslis, the one or other dessert as well as trail mixes contain raisins.

Grape seed oil and grape seed extract.

Grapes aren’t just good for sweet recipes, though. Processed into grape seed oil, savory salads as well as creamy dips can also benefit from the advantages of grapes. The oil is best purchased cold-pressed and, despite its high smoke point, should not be used for frying – refined grape seed oil is better for that. Grape seed extract is also added to numerous lotions and creams for its beneficial effect on skin elasticity.

Buying grapes – this is what you should pay attention to

In this country, grapes are in season from September to October. If you want to enjoy grapes not only fresh in autumn, you can buy them in the supermarket almost all year round, coming from different countries of origin. When buying, make sure the berries are plump and the stems are green. A whitish coating is a sign of good quality. This coating, also known as scented film or fog dew, is a natural protection against dehydration.

Tips on the shelf life and consumption of grapes.

If the grapes are not from an organic farm, it is even more important to rinse them thoroughly to remove residues of any contaminants. However, you should always wash table grapes just before eating them, otherwise they will rot quickly. It is best to always store grapes unwashed, refrigerated and for as short a time as possible. Take them out of the refrigerator about 20 minutes before eating so that they can reach room temperature and fully develop their aroma. By the way, grapes are difficult to freeze – if you want shelf-stable grapes, it is best to use raisins, ideally unsulfured.