Salvia Divinorum


belongs to narcotics and prohibited substances (Annex d) in many countries only since 2010 and may no longer be traded. The provisions of the Narcotics Act apply. Salvinorin A has not been included in the list so far. In numerous countries, jelly and corresponding preparations are available as legal hallucinogens and are sold, for example, via the Internet and in hemp stores.

Stem plant

The perennial epling and játiva m. of the Lamiaceae family is native to Mexico. It is traditionally used by the shamans (curanderos) of the Mazatec Indian people as a hallucinogen for mystical and medicinal purposes. The plant was not popularized in the West until the 1960s by Dr. Albert Hofmann and R. Gordon Wasson, among others.

Medicinal drug

The fresh or dried Salvia divinorum leaves (Salviae divinorum folium) are used as a medicinal herb. Extracts and other preparations containing the active ingredient are also made from the leaves.


The lipophilic neoclerodane diterpene salvinorin A (C23H28O8, Mr = 432.5 g/mol) was made responsible. It was also formerly referred to as divinorin A. The diterpene is active even in the smallest doses. Remarkably, unlike the classical psychoactive substances, it is not a nitrogen compound, i.e., not an alkaloid.


Is hallucinogenic. Possible effects include, for example (according to Siebert, 1994):

  • Becoming an object
  • Visions of two-dimensional surfaces
  • Return to places of childhood
  • Separation of body and mind (out-of-body experience).
  • Feelings of movement, flying
  • Uncontrollable laughter

The effects occur rapidly within seconds when smoking and after a few minutes when chewing. They last only briefly, during about 15 to a maximum of 60 minutes. After-effects are possible during a few hours. Salvinorin A has a half-life of about one hour. The effects are due to the selective and potent agonism of salvinorin A at κ-opioid receptors. Unlike other hallucinogens, such as LSD or psilocybin, it does not bind to the 5-HT2A receptor.

Indications for use

and salvinorin A have not been used medicinally in many countries to date, but are used exclusively as intoxicants. Salvia is not so much a party drug, but more a means of escapism, expansion of consciousness, and introspection. Some potential medicinal uses are discussed in the literature.


The leaves or corresponding preparations are usually smoked, chewed, inhaled, or administered buccally. The active ingredients are absorbed through the oral mucosa. When administered orally in a capsule, the effects were absent. The required dose of salvinorin A is low, approximately 200-500 µg, and comparable to that of LSD. It is a very potent hallucinogen.

Contraindications and interactions

We do not have sufficient information on possible contraindications and drug-drug interactions. Salvinorin A is a substrate of UGT2B7, P-glycoprotein, and various CYP450s (Teskin et al, 2009). From our point of view, its use is not recommended due to the not fully known risks. In particular, use is not indicated in cases of hypersensitivity, mental illness or corresponding disposition, acute or chronic diseases, during pregnancy and lactation, in children and the elderly, and when other intoxicants or drugs are taken at the same time. Those who take the plant anyway should observe a number of precautions:

  • Do not take it regularly.
  • Do not consume alone without supervision by friends.
  • Do not combine with other intoxicants, drugs or alcohol.
  • Start with low dose.
  • Ensure that the intoxicant is of good quality.

Adverse effects

Possible adverse effects include sweating, chills, flashbacks, tremor, weakness, reduced vigilance, incoordination, and urinary urgency. In rare cases, severe mental symptoms such as confusion, panic, paranoia, and delirium have been reported.It seems that use in predisposed individuals – similar to cannabis – can lead to persistent psychosis (see also cannabis and psychosis). Accidents may occur when driving or operating heavy machinery at the same time. is described by the majority as well tolerated and is only very rarely said to be addictive. However, the data situation is so far somewhat thin to be able to make definitive statements. In our view, the potential risks are not sufficiently known.