Causes | Physiotherapy for children with swelling of lymph nodes


The causes of lymph node swelling in children are manifold. The more harmless causes include infectious diseases such as colds and typical childhood diseases such as measles and rubella. Other causes that can be accompanied by additional symptoms are glandular fever, lymphedema, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Kawasaki syndrome, sports injuries or leukemia. The identification of the cause of lymph node swelling in children is crucial for the selection of the appropriate form of therapy, therefore it is important to have a reliable diagnosis made by a physician. This article may also be of interest to you in this regard: Causes of inflamed lymph nodes

Swelling of lymph nodes in armpit, neck or groin

Lymph node swelling can occur at various locations due to various causes, for example: the armpits are also a collection point for many lymph nodes, so swelling of these lymph nodes in the course of an infection or other underlying disease is often palpable and associated with local swelling. Triggers for lymph node swelling can be different. In children, a not yet fully developed immune system is usually responsible for the swelling.

the neck is one of the three main lymph node accumulation sites . In infectious diseases such as measles and rubella, bronchitis, tonsillitis or a simple cold, the lymph nodes in the neck may swell noticeably and visibly. Normally the swelling disappears on its own as the infection subsides.

The groin is also very often affected by swelling of the lymph nodes. Here, these are usually the result of minor injuries or infections in the groin area. The lymph nodes in the groin can also swell as a result of vaccinations or other injuries such as hip dysplasia.

In general, swelling of lymph nodes, especially if it is painful, usually indicates a harmless disease and the pain is caused by the infection and the rapidly growing tissue, whereas painless lymph node swelling should be clarified by the doctor.This article may also be of interest to you:

  • The armpits are also a collection point for many lymph nodes, so a swelling of these in the course of an infection or other underlying disease is often palpable and associated with local swelling. Triggers for lymph node swelling can be different. In children, a not yet fully developed immune system is usually responsible for the swelling.
  • The neck is one of the three main lymph node accumulation points.

    Infectious diseases such as measles and rubella, bronchitis, tonsillitis or a simple cold can cause a palpable and visible swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck. Normally the swelling disappears on its own as the infection subsides.

  • The groin is also very often affected by lymph node swelling. Here, these are usually the result of minor injuries or infections in the groin area. The lymph nodes in the groin can also swell as a result of vaccinations or other injuries such as hip dysplasia.
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  • Lymph node swelling in groin Therapy/treatment
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