Healing time | Overstretched thumb

Healing time

The healing time of an overstretched thumb is usually several weeks. At first, the affected ligament should be spared. Depending on the severity of the injury, about two to six weeks should be planned for this.

Afterwards, the thumb can be used functionally again. During this time, physiotherapy can improve the mobility and strength of the thumb again. Depending on the tasks for which the thumb is needed, this can also take several weeks. Exactly when the healing process is completed should be decided individually and is best discussed with doctors and physiotherapists.


An overstretched thumb is not a serious injury. It does cause microscopic damage to the collateral ligament, but the body usually heals it quickly. Provided there are no additional injuries, the prognosis is excellent. Occasionally, even after a few months, there may still be some discomfort when the affected thumb is subjected to heavy strain.