Colors and Their Effect

Each color has a different effect on our psyche and body, because each color has a wavelength and energy typical for it, which is transmitted to our bodies. For example, blue light has a cooling and calming effect, while red light has a warming and stimulating effect. Properties of the most popular colors More and … Colors and Their Effect


“Everyone moves, feels, thinks, speaks in the way that is entirely his own, according to the image he has formed of himself in the course of his life. To change the way he does things, he must change the image of himself that he carries within himself.” Moshe Feldenkrais Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984), a physicist, … Feldenkrais

With Self-Hypnosis against Pain

Pain, primarily chronic pain, can be significantly reduced using hypnosis. A study by the University of Göttingen proves that up to 75 percent of medication can be saved thanks to learnable self-hypnosis. Even chronic irritable bowel syndrome can be treated with hypnosis. Hypnosis has a long tradition as a therapeutic method. For thousands of years, … With Self-Hypnosis against Pain

Phototherapy: Let There Be Light!

Whether Johann Wolfgang v. Goethe actually demanded “Mer light!” on his deathbed remains unclear. What is clear, however, is that natural light is indispensable for our daily lives. It determines our biorhythm and ensures, among other things, that vitamin D is formed via irradiation on the skin. What’s more, sunlight and artificial light are also … Phototherapy: Let There Be Light!

Phototherapy: Types of Therapy

A new therapeutic approach uses immunological processes in the diseased cells during irradiation, because the inflammatory cells are extremely sensitive to light and die. The removal of the dead cells into the body’s lymphatic system causes a “learning process” in the bone marrow to stop producing these cells. Over time, the skin can recover and … Phototherapy: Types of Therapy

6 Tips for Conscious Breathing

Everyday stress, hectic pace, unhealthy lifestyle: especially our most natural and vital activity, breathing, is quickly neglected. Then we unconsciously let our breath “flatten out”, which has a negative effect on our well-being and energy. The following exercises and tips will help you to become aware of breathing, because deep and conscious breathing helps us … 6 Tips for Conscious Breathing

Acupressure and Shiatsu

Acupressure and Shiatsu are two relatively similar forms of pressure massage that originate from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as well as Japanese medicine. Acupressure describes the Chinese form of pressure massage, Shiatsu the Japanese variant. Meanwhile the massage forms become ever more popular also in Germany. By applying pressure to the acupressure points located on … Acupressure and Shiatsu