In which organs does it work? | Potassium Bichromicum

In which organs does it work?

The organs affected by Potassium Bichromicum are mainly the mucous membranes of the body, which become inflamed and swollen during an inflammation, e.g. sinusitis. If taken regularly, Schüssler Salt No. 27 should have a positive effect on the inflammation and accelerate the recovery time.

Also the inner wall of the blood vessels, which can be strongly thickened with age and high cholesterol levels (atherosclerosis), can be successfully reduced by Schüssler Salt No. 27.In addition to the mucous membranes and blood vessels, the liver is also a major site of action of potassium bichromicum. The cholesterol production in the liver can be reduced by Potassium Dichromicum and excessive amounts of cholesterol can be reduced.

The psyche would be a further area of application of Schuessler Salt No. 27, so that aggressiveness against others or oneself can also be treated successfully by this preparation. Also an inner restlessness can be treated successfully by Potassium Bichromicum under certain circumstances.


There are different dosages of Schüssler salts. As in homeopathy, a Schüssler salt is also potentiated, i.e. its active ingredient is strongly diluted. The higher the dilution of the active substance, the more effective it should be.

The common potencies are D3, D 6 and D12. The dilution D12 is the strongest dilution and should therefore be the most effective. A dilution is done step by step.

If a dilution of 10 times is made in each step, then the designation D is obtained. The number behind it indicates how often the dilution was performed. It is assumed that water-soluble preparations should always be taken in the dosage D6 and non-water-soluble substances in the dosage D 12.

While D dilution always dilutes by a factor of 10, C dilution dilutes by a factor of 100. Thus, in the Schüssler-Salt Dosage C 200 the substance was diluted 200 times by the factor 100. In today’s application of Schüssler salts, however, the D-dilution series has become generally accepted.