Remove coating of the tongue with a mouthrinse | Remove coating of the tongue

Remove coating of the tongue with a mouthrinse The range of mouthwashes on the market is very extensive. In general, a distinction can be made between a cosmetic mouthwash and a medical mouthwash. The latter is pharmacy-bound and is mostly used after operations in the oral cavity, in case of periodontitis or gum inflammation. Cosmetic … Remove coating of the tongue with a mouthrinse | Remove coating of the tongue

Get rid of tongue coating permanently | Remove coating of the tongue

Get rid of tongue coating permanently You can get rid of the coating on your tongue permanently by adding tongue cleaning to your daily oral hygiene. Using a tongue scraper, the tongue should be cleaned after every tooth brushing.It is also recommended to drink enough water regularly throughout the day. Regular gargling with lukewarm water … Get rid of tongue coating permanently | Remove coating of the tongue