Cryopeeling | Bleach skin

Cryopeeling Cryo peeling is a cosmetic procedure that is used to treat age pigmentation, moles, scars and age warts, among other things. The skin is treated with cold probes. It is a very old procedure, but it is still used. It is used for small area treatment and not for large area skin whitening. The … Cryopeeling | Bleach skin

The function of the skin

Introduction The skin (cutis) has two important functions for our body. On the one hand, it has a defensive and protective function, on the other hand it is responsible for the absorption of stimuli. It has the function to ward off harmful influences and to enable physiologically necessary exchange functions (heat exchange) and sensory impressions. … The function of the skin


Introduction Melanin is a color pigment and therefore responsible for our skin color, hair color and the color of our eyes. Depending on how much melanin these structures contain, we have a lighter or darker skin type. Besides melanin, heredity also plays a role here. Melanin is produced from an amino acid with the help … Melanin

Melanin in the skin | Melanin

Melanin in the skin Melanin is the brownish to black color pigment in the human skin. There it is produced in certain cells, the so-called melanocytes. The production of melanin is stimulated by the UV rays in the sun and by a hormone produced by the body itself. There are two different forms of melanin … Melanin in the skin | Melanin

Melanin in the eyes | Melanin

Melanin in the eyes The pigment melanin is also contained in our eyes. There it is responsible for the different eye colors, depending on the type of composition and the strength of the pigments. At birth, most newborns have light blue eyes because the color pigment has not yet been produced in sufficient quantities. The … Melanin in the eyes | Melanin

The skin color

Introduction The skin color is very different from person to person. In humans, the color of the skin depends mainly on how much of the pigment melanin is present in the skin. Melanin is a dye (also called pigment) that is produced by cells in the skin, the melanocytes. There are two different forms of … The skin color

Bleaching agent for the skin

How can you lighten the skin? The ideal image of man has always been characterized by a youthful appearance with healthy, even skin. However, skin changes such as wrinkles, pigmentation marks and scars can stand in the way of this goal. For this reason, pharmacies and drugstores now offer an endless selection of cosmetics and … Bleaching agent for the skin

Creams for bleaching the skin | Bleaching agent for the skin

Creams for bleaching the skin If the application of bleaching household remedies does not bring the desired effect, creams are often an effective alternative. Their effect is usually based on substances that in various ways interrupt the production of melanin in the melanocytes (pigment-forming skin cells). A very widespread active agent in bleaching skin creams … Creams for bleaching the skin | Bleaching agent for the skin

Bleaching skin against scars | Bleaching agent for the skin

Bleaching skin against scars In our society, scars are often considered a cosmetic blemish and can therefore become unpleasant for the person concerned quite quickly. Fresh scars in particular are still comparatively heavily infused with blood vessels and therefore often darker than the surrounding intact skin. However, contrary to widespread opinion, scars are not static … Bleaching skin against scars | Bleaching agent for the skin