Inflammation and Occlusion of the Auditory Tube: Causes

Pathogenesis (development of disease) The auditory tube (tuba auditiva) is a tube about 30 to 35 mm long that connects the nasopharynx via the tympanic cavity (cavum tympani) of the middle ear. It extends through the posterior floor of the canalis musculotubarius and is named after the Italian anatomist Bartolomeo Eustachi (Tuba Eustachii). It is … Inflammation and Occlusion of the Auditory Tube: Causes

Inflammation and Occlusion of the Auditory Tube: Therapy

General Measures Heat irradiation for tympanic effusion Tube blowing – not in acute rhinitis (cold). Valsalva maneuver (Valsalva attempt) to equalize pressure or ventilation of the middle ear Procedure, for example, during flights (see below), elevator or cable car rides (equally helpful in tubal catarrh and tympanic effusion) Procedure: Forced expiration (exhalation) against the closed … Inflammation and Occlusion of the Auditory Tube: Therapy

Inflammation and Occlusion of the Auditory Tube: Medical History

Medical history (history of illness) represents an important component in the diagnosis of tubal dysfunction. Family History What is the general health of your family members? Are there any diseases in your family that are common? Social history What is your profession? Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological complaints). What complaints have you noticed? … Inflammation and Occlusion of the Auditory Tube: Medical History

Inflammation and Occlusion of the Auditory Tube: Diagnostic Tests

Optional medical device diagnostics – depending on the results of the history, physical examination, laboratory diagnostics and obligatory medical device diagnostics – for differential diagnostic clarification. Audiometry (hearing test) – for prolonged complaints. Rhinoscopy (examination of the interior of the nose or nasal cavity). Tympanometry (middle ear pressure measurement).

Inflammation and Occlusion of the Auditory Tube: Surgical Therapy

1st order Therapy of the underlying disease such as. Adenotomy* (removal of the pharyngeal tonsils). Septoplasty (correction of the nasal septum due to septal deviation). Paracentesis* (stab incision/(making an incision with a scalpel of the eardrum and / or insertion of tympanic drainage / tympanic tubes) Possible complications or. Consequences are: a tympanic membrane atrophy, … Inflammation and Occlusion of the Auditory Tube: Surgical Therapy

Inflammation and Occlusion of the Auditory Tube: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate inflammation or closure of the auditory tube: Symptoms of tubal catarrh (tympanic ventilation disorder of the middle ear). Impaired dull hearing/hearing loss (conductive hearing loss). Dull pressure in the ear (“cotton ear”, “absorbent cotton feeling”). Pain, stabbing Noise in the ear In case of bilateral affection strikingly loud … Inflammation and Occlusion of the Auditory Tube: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

Inflammation and Occlusion of the Auditory Tube: Consequential Diseases

The following are the most important diseases or complications that may be contributed by tubal dysfunction: Ears – mastoid process (H60-H95). Cholesteatoma (synonym: pearl tumor) of the ear – ingrowth of multilayered keratinizing squamous epithelium into the middle ear with subsequent chronic purulent inflammation of the middle ear. Chronic tube ventilation disorders Otitis media (inflammation … Inflammation and Occlusion of the Auditory Tube: Consequential Diseases

Inflammation and Occlusion of the Auditory Tube: Examination

A comprehensive clinical examination is the basis for selecting further diagnostic steps: General physical examination – including blood pressure, pulse, body weight, height; further: Inspection (viewing). Auricle Ear canal Inspection and palpation (palpation) of the lymph node stations in the head/neck area (behind the ear: Lnn. retroauriculares, below the ear: Lnn. parotidei (Lnn. preauriculares)). ENT … Inflammation and Occlusion of the Auditory Tube: Examination