Pain in the thigh and hip

What is pain in the thigh and hip?

Pain in the thigh and in the hip are two symptoms that often go hand in hand. The pain can occur under stress or at rest. The trigger can be located in the thigh, the hip or in both areas at the same time.

Often it is also a radiation of the pain into the surrounding area. There are many possible causes, such as a disease of the hip joint or an inflammation of the inguinal ligament. If pain in the thigh or hip is present, an orthopedist should be consulted as soon as possible to clarify the cause and begin treatment accordingly.

Causes of pain

There are many different causes for pain in the thigh and hip. The cause of the pain can be a problem in the bones or joints, as well as a problem in the muscles, nerves or other surrounding structures. Since many structures run along the hip and thigh, this area is very susceptible to injuries and wear and tear in old age.

A common cause of the latter is, for example, hip arthrosis, which causes wear and tear to the hip joint. However, the cause can also lie in the area of the back and radiate into the hip and thigh in the form of pain. Hip arthrosis is an increasing disease in which pain in the hip joint is caused by wear and tear of the joint surface.

These are initially only minor and only occur during movement. As the disease progresses, the pain increases and radiates into the thigh when movement is made, later it also occurs at rest and during the night. The causes of hip arthrosis are often risk factors, such as overweight and incorrect weight bearing.

However, there are also some malformations of the hip that can lead to hip arthrosis if no treatment is given. If you are more interested in this topic, the Meralgia paraesthetica is a pinching of the nerve that innervates the outer side of the thigh. This means that there are changes in perception, either a tingling or a numbness, depending on the severity of the pinch.

In addition, there is usually severe pain in the area of the outer thigh, which can also radiate to the hip. The nerve runs under the inguinal ligament and can be pinched off here, for example by a belt that is too tight, but also in cases of severe overweight or pregnancy. The pain can also be relieved by locally injected painkillers, depending on the possibility of fighting the cause.

More interest in the topic? You can read more detailed information on this topic: Meralgia paraestheticaAn inflammation of the inguinal ligament usually causes pain in the groin region. However, the pain can also radiate to the thigh and hip.

The cause is usually a pulled inguinal ligament. This can additionally cause irritation of the structures below the inguinal ligament, which is why an inflammation of the inguinal ligament can be accompanied by slight symptoms of Meralgia paraesthetica, for example. If the inguinal ligament is torn, physiotherapy is very suitable for treatment.

Inflammation of the bursa (bursitis) of the hip is relatively rare, as bursitis is more common on the elbow or knee. Nevertheless, it can occur at any joint and cause pain. Therefore, bursitis of the hip can lead to pain in the hip area with radiation into the thigh.

Bursitis can either be caused by an injury or as part of a disease, such as rheumatism. A hernia can manifest itself through pain in the thigh and hip. Often, however, the first symptom is a noticeable swelling in the groin area and a foreign body sensation.

The pain often occurs depending on the pressure in the area of the inguinal hernia. If the pain suddenly becomes stronger and significantly worse, this may be an indication of a pinching of intestinal structures in the hernia. In order to prevent this, a doctor should be consulted, as it should be clarified whether the hernia should be operated.

Would you like to know more about this topic? An inflammation of the pubic bone, also known as osteitis pubis, describes a disease in the area of the pubic symphysis, as between the two pubic bones. It is usually caused by an overloading of muscles and occurs mainly in athletes.If an inflammation of the pubic bone is the cause of pain in the hip and thigh area, it is already quite pronounced and should be treated promptly.

As a rule, the administration of painkillers and a break from sports for a certain period of time are sufficient to achieve an improvement in the pain. A herniated disc of the lumbar spine can cause pain in the hip and thigh, but is rather a rare cause for the symptoms. The pain radiates in a belt-shaped manner and can be accompanied by other symptoms depending on the type of herniated disc.

These include paralysis and sensations such as tingling or numbness. The occurrence of a herniated disc can be promoted by various risk factors, such as an incorrect load on the back and overweight. An abscess in the groin is an encapsulated space in the tissue that is filled with pus.

This is often caused by the staphylococcus bacteria. This causes significant swelling and redness. Pain occurs mainly when pressure is applied.

This occurs in the case of a pronounced abscess in the groin, even when sitting. The pain can become very strong and radiate into the surrounding area, the hip and the thigh. An abscess should always be surgically opened quickly, otherwise various complications can arise. This topic may also be of interest to you: Abscess on the inner side of the thigh