What are the average body measurements? | Body measurements

What are the average body measurements? The average body measurements describe the circumference of chest, waist and buttocks that people have on average. For women the measures 90cm – 60cm – 90cm are known, which are not reached on average. The average body measurements for women were 99cm – 85cm – 103cm in April 2009. … What are the average body measurements? | Body measurements

How do the body measurements of men and women differ? | Body measurements

How do the body measurements of men and women differ? The body measurements of a baby are usually not given with the circumference of the breast, waist and buttocks. Decisive sizes after birth are the baby’s body length, weight and head circumference. On average, newborns are around 50 cm tall and weigh around 3 to … How do the body measurements of men and women differ? | Body measurements

Body measurements

Definition Body measurements are the specific characteristics of a patient, such as height, weight, girth, waist-to-hip ratio and shoe size. Usually these sizes correlate approximately with each other, which means that a particularly large patient usually also has a larger shoe size and weighs more than a 30cm smaller patient. To determine the relationship between … Body measurements

The BMI | Body measurements

The BMI The Body Mass Index is also known as the Body Mass Index and is used to calculate overweight, underweight or normal weight. Based on the patient’s height and body weight, the BMI calculates whether the weight is normal in relation to the patient’s height or whether the patient is overweight or underweight. To … The BMI | Body measurements

Physique types

Introduction Physique types were introduced by the American physician William Sheldon in 1942 as a classification of physical and associated psychological characteristics. His investigations were based on the studies of the psychologist Ernst Kretschmer, who already in the 1920s made a classification into constitutional types. In this sense, the assumptions made at that time are … Physique types

Classification according to Kretschmer | Physique types

Classification according to Kretschmer Also with women the three already mentioned physique types can be differentiated (ectomorphic, mesomorphic and endomorphic). Rarely can a woman clearly assign herself to a physique type, usually she tends to one of the body types, but is a mixture of several physique types. How can I determine my physique type? … Classification according to Kretschmer | Physique types

Composition of body tissues

General information on body composition The human organism consists largely of fatty tissue, bones, water and muscles, as well as other soft tissue. Since fat occupies a larger space than muscles in our bodies, the body composition together with weight is an important factor in the overall body image. For example, two people of the … Composition of body tissues

Measurement methods of body composition | Composition of body tissues

Measurement methods of body composition There are many methods to determine the body composition, which differ significantly in their procedures, accuracy and availability. The most accurate method can only be performed on the non-living body and is therefore not suitable for clinical diagnostics on living patients. All other methods have to be selected specifically according … Measurement methods of body composition | Composition of body tissues

Body cavities

Introduction Body cavities are hollow spaces that occur in different areas of the body. A body cavity can only be described as such when it is completely enclosed by the torso wall. This results in a topographic, i.e. a position-dependent division of the body cavities. Topographical classification: Thoracic cavity (Cavitas thoracis) Abdominal cavity (Cavitas abdominalis) … Body cavities