Irritation of the meninges | Meninges

Irritation of the meninges The meninges are innervated by sensitive nerves and are therefore sensitive to pain. For this reason, an irritation of the meninges can trigger symptoms such as headaches. Irritation of the meninges can have various causes: For example, sunstroke alone can cause irritation of the meninges. However, viral infections are often the … Irritation of the meninges | Meninges

Limbic system

The term “limbic system” refers to a functional unit localized in the brain that serves primarily to process emotional impulses. In addition, the limbic system controls the development of drive behavior. The processing of essential components of intellectual performance is also attributed to the limbic system. In connection with these complex processes, however, the limbic … Limbic system

Functional disorders of the limbic system | Limbic system

Functional disorders of the limbic system Since the structures grouped together under the term “limbic system” are involved in a number of processing operations, disturbances of one or more parts of this system can be manifested by severe limitations of cognitive abilities. Especially the inability to assess emotional situations is attributed to dysfunctions in the … Functional disorders of the limbic system | Limbic system


Synonym Metencephalon Definition The hindbrain is a part of the central nervous system. It belongs to the brain and is assigned here to the rhombic brain (rhombencephalon), which also includes the medulla oblongata (extended medulla). The Pons (bridge) and the Cerebellum (cerebellum) belong to the hindbrain. The cerebellum plays a major role in the coordination … Hindbrain

Cerebellum | Hindbrain

Cerebellum CerebellumThe cerebellum lies in the posterior fossa below the occipital lobe and attaches itself to the brain stem from behind. It is divided into two hemispheres and a central part, the cerebellum (Vermis cerebelli). It can also be divided into cerebellar marrow (inside) and cerebellar cortex (outside).The cerebellar cortex contains three layers of cells: … Cerebellum | Hindbrain

Plexus choroideus

What is the choroidal plexus? The plexus choroideus is a collection of intertwined blood vessels. Both veins (running towards the heart) and arteries (running away from the heart) are involved in the formation of the plexus. They are all located in cavities inside the brain (brain ventricles), which are filled with cerebrospinal fluid (liquor). The … Plexus choroideus


Synonym lat. cerebrum, Greek. Encephalon, English: BrainThe brain is the most important organ of vertebrates and forms the superior command center of the central nervous system. It regulates all conscious and unconscious functions and processes. The brain is also the most highly developed organ of vertebrates, as its large number of networked neurons (19-23 billion … Brain

Structure | Brain

Structure The brain is divided into several brain sections: Belong to the brain stem: The end and diencephalon of the brain together form the forebrain (prosencephalon), the former consisting of the cortex, the basal ganglia and the limbic system. The latter comprises the structures thalamus, epi-, sub- and hypothalamus as well as metathalamus. The brain … Structure | Brain

Midbrain | Brain

Midbrain The midbrain represents the place in the brain where important central nervous reflexes are activated and switched. It is also the location of important centers that modulate and coordinate motor programs with the help of messenger substances (neurotransmitters). Dopamine plays an important role here. In some people, the production of dopamine is disturbed and … Midbrain | Brain