Simplified pictorial representation | Synaptic cleft

Simplified pictorial representation For better understanding the following illustration: A group of hikers (=action potentials) wants to cross a river (=synaptic cleft) with boats (=synaptic vesicles), but there is only one docking and undocking point per side (=pre- & postsynaptic membrane). If they have successfully crossed the flow, they can continue their migration on the … Simplified pictorial representation | Synaptic cleft


Definition A synapse is the contact point between two nerve cells. It is used to transmit a stimulus from one neuron to another. A synapse can also exist between neuron and muscle cell or sensory cell and gland. There are two fundamentally different types of synapses, the electrical (gap junction) and the chemical. Each of … Synapses


Synonym axial cyinder, Neurit General information The term axon is used to describe the tubular extension of a nerve cell that transmits impulses originating from the nerve cell body to the farthest reaches. Within the axon is a fluid, the axoplasm, which corresponds to the cell content (cytoplasm) of other cells. Here are cell organelles … Axon

Tasks | Axon

Tasks An axon fulfils two important tasks: First, it is there to transmit the electrical impulses generated in the nerve cell body to the next nerve cell or to the target structure (muscle or gland cell). – In addition, some substances are transported along certain structures through the axon. This process, known as axonal transport, … Tasks | Axon