Behcet’s disease

Introduction Behcet’s disease is an inflammation of the small blood vessels, a so-called vasculitis. The disease is named after the Turkish doctor Hulus Behcet, who first described the disease in 1937. In addition to the vasculitis, the disease can also manifest itself in other organ systems. The cause has not been clearly clarified to date. … Behcet’s disease

Prognosis for Behcet’s disease | Behcet’s disease

Prognosis for Behcet’s disease Behcet’s disease is one of the chronic diseases. The disease often occurs in relapses, i.e. those affected have phases in which the symptoms are only mild to barely perceptible and then also phases in which the symptoms typical of the disease become more pronounced. In contrast to acute diseases, there is … Prognosis for Behcet’s disease | Behcet’s disease

How is Behcet’s disease diagnosed? | Behcet’s disease

How is Behcet’s disease diagnosed? Patients suffering from Behcet’s disease are usually diagnosed after the appearance of externally visible symptoms. These include in particular the aphthae in the mouth as well as the aphthae in the genital area and other typical skin changes. In addition, a test can bring clarity as to whether one is … How is Behcet’s disease diagnosed? | Behcet’s disease

Raynaud’s syndrome

Synonyms in a broader sense English Raynaud phenomenon Raynaud’s disease Vasomotor acroasphyxia Acral ischemic syndrome Vasospastic syndrome Ischemia syndrome Raynaud ́s syndrome Raynaud ́s disease Secondary Raynaud ́s disease Definition Raynaud – Syndrome Raynaud’s phenomenon Raynaud’s syndrome belongs to the functional circulatory disorders. It is understood as a narrowing of the vessels (vasospasm) of the … Raynaud’s syndrome

Forms of Raynaud’s syndrome | Raynaud’s syndrome

Forms of Raynaud’s syndrome One divides Raynaud’s syndrome into The primary Raynaud’s syndrome is considered idiopathic (the medical profession understands this to mean that the cause is not known), whereas the secondary Raynaud’s syndrome occurs when organic vascular damage occurs in the context of systemic diseases (i.e. diseases affecting the entire organism). One of these … Forms of Raynaud’s syndrome | Raynaud’s syndrome

Therapy primary Raynaud’s syndrome | Raynaud’s syndrome

Therapy primary Raynaud’s syndrome In primary Raynaud’s syndrome, causal therapy is not possible because the cause cannot be determined, i.e. is idiopathic. Improvement can be achieved by heat or nitroglycerine as mentioned above. In the secondary Raynaud’s phenomenon, however, the underlying disease is groundbreaking. In addition, one can try to prevent vasospasm in any case. … Therapy primary Raynaud’s syndrome | Raynaud’s syndrome

What role does the psyche play in Raynaud’s syndrome? | Raynaud’s syndrome

What role does the psyche play in Raynaud’s syndrome? The sudden constriction of the vessels is caused not only by cold but also by stress. Therefore psychological stress factors play a role in Raynaud’s syndrome. Through various relaxation methods and a balanced lifestyle these stress factors can be reduced and the complaints occur less frequently. … What role does the psyche play in Raynaud’s syndrome? | Raynaud’s syndrome

You can recognize vasculitis by these symptoms

Introduction Vasculitis is an inflammation of the blood vessels. There are innumerable different types of vasculitis, which are assigned to this group of diseases. Vasculitis can lead to many different symptoms, as almost all organs can be affected. If certain symptoms occur without any other identifiable cause, they can indicate the presence of vasculitis. However, … You can recognize vasculitis by these symptoms

How do the symptoms change in the course of the disease? | You can recognize vasculitis by these symptoms

How do the symptoms change in the course of the disease? The disease group of vasculitides comprises a variety of clinical pictures, some of which are very different and do not develop in the same way in every individual. It is therefore not possible to make a general statement about how the symptoms of vasculitis … How do the symptoms change in the course of the disease? | You can recognize vasculitis by these symptoms