When must yellow diarrhea be treated? | Yellow diarrhea

When must yellow diarrhea be treated? Yellow diarrhea may require treatment for various reasons. Frequently, the diarrhoea causes increased fluid loss. This can lead to dehydration. Therefore a treatment with sufficient liquid is necessary. This can be compensated for by an increased amount of drinking if the loss of fluid is low. In case of … When must yellow diarrhea be treated? | Yellow diarrhea

How long does yellow diarrhea last? | Yellow diarrhea

How long does yellow diarrhea last? How long the yellow diarrhea lasts depends on the cause of the defecation changes. Gastrointestinal infections usually subside after a few days. Likewise, the bowel movement, which occurs as a side effect of a medication, normalizes again after a few days. Chronic diseases, on the other hand, can lead … How long does yellow diarrhea last? | Yellow diarrhea

Constipation in children

Synonyms constipation, sluggish digestion, constipation Medical: constipation English = obstipation, constipation Classification constipation in children Constipation in children can have various causes: Constipation in children can be caused by incorrect nutrition with too little fiber and fluid. Constipation can also be caused by food intolerance, a change in diet or a change in the environment. … Constipation in children

Treatment of constipation | Constipation pain

Treatment of constipation The treatment of constipation and also the treatment of the pain caused by constipation always depends on the cause of the constipation. If the cause is known and treatable, this is always of utmost importance. In general, medication and food that can cause or aggravate constipation should be avoided. These include white … Treatment of constipation | Constipation pain

Home remedy against constipation

Synonyms Constipation, constipationChronic constipation: If constipation is the result of a wrong lifestyle, one usually first tries to get a grip on the constipation by changing one’s lifestyle, “home remedies” and without consulting a doctor. This therapy with household remedies includes appropriate nutrition with a lot of dietary fiber as well as liquid and without … Home remedy against constipation

Types of household remedies | Home remedy against constipation

Types of household remedies Olive oil or other oils such as linseed oil or germ oil can be helpful for constipation. For this purpose, adults should take a tea spoon or tablespoon of olive oil pure or diluted with some lemon. If the constipation is permanent, oil can be taken regularly in the morning on … Types of household remedies | Home remedy against constipation

Which home remedies have a quick effect? | Home remedy against constipation

Which home remedies have a quick effect? Home remedies that are said to have a relatively quick effect on constipation include olive oil (taken as a tea or tablespoonful of pure) and soaked dried plums or prune juice. However, the most important thing in treating constipation is a sufficient fluid intake of 2-3 liters per … Which home remedies have a quick effect? | Home remedy against constipation

Household remedy against constipation for children | Home remedy against constipation

Household remedy against constipation for children For children who suffer from constipation, the focus is on optimizing their diet. In this case, special attention should be paid to a diet rich in dietary fibre. Dietary fibers bind water in the intestine and swell up. This promotes softening of the stool. Fiber-rich are for example whole … Household remedy against constipation for children | Home remedy against constipation

Nausea during pregnancy | Nausea: What to do about it?

Nausea during pregnancy At the beginning of pregnancy almost all women experience morning sickness, which is often accompanied by vomiting. The nausea occurs mainly within the first three months. It is thought to be caused by a hormonal change within the first months of pregnancy. The nausea is probably caused by a combination of hormonal … Nausea during pregnancy | Nausea: What to do about it?