Household remedy against constipation for children | Home remedy against constipation

Household remedy against constipation for children For children who suffer from constipation, the focus is on optimizing their diet. In this case, special attention should be paid to a diet rich in dietary fibre. Dietary fibers bind water in the intestine and swell up. This promotes softening of the stool. Fiber-rich are for example whole … Household remedy against constipation for children | Home remedy against constipation

Home remedy against constipation

Synonyms Constipation, constipationChronic constipation: If constipation is the result of a wrong lifestyle, one usually first tries to get a grip on the constipation by changing one’s lifestyle, “home remedies” and without consulting a doctor. This therapy with household remedies includes appropriate nutrition with a lot of dietary fiber as well as liquid and without … Home remedy against constipation

Types of household remedies | Home remedy against constipation

Types of household remedies Olive oil or other oils such as linseed oil or germ oil can be helpful for constipation. For this purpose, adults should take a tea spoon or tablespoon of olive oil pure or diluted with some lemon. If the constipation is permanent, oil can be taken regularly in the morning on … Types of household remedies | Home remedy against constipation

Nausea during pregnancy | Nausea: What to do about it?

Nausea during pregnancy At the beginning of pregnancy almost all women experience morning sickness, which is often accompanied by vomiting. The nausea occurs mainly within the first three months. It is thought to be caused by a hormonal change within the first months of pregnancy. The nausea is probably caused by a combination of hormonal … Nausea during pregnancy | Nausea: What to do about it?

Nausea after alcohol consumption | Nausea: What to do about it?

Nausea after alcohol consumption It is not unusual for nausea to occur after drinking alcohol. Either already after consuming a small amount in someone who rarely consumes alcohol or after consuming too much alcohol. Nausea is more common when alcohol is consumed on an empty stomach. It is therefore advisable to eat enough before drinking … Nausea after alcohol consumption | Nausea: What to do about it?

Therapy of ulcerative colitis

Introduction The main goals of ulcerative colitis therapy are to relieve the symptoms of ulcerative colitis, to avoid complications and thus to maintain the patient’s quality of life. A distinction is made between therapy of acute attacks and long-term therapy. An important pillar of the therapy is also the psychosomatic care of the patient. All … Therapy of ulcerative colitis

Treatment of particularly severe relapses | Therapy of ulcerative colitis

Treatment of particularly severe relapses If there is an extremely severe relapse, sulfasalazine can be replaced or supplemented with other immunosuppressive drugs (e.g. Azathioprine® or Ciclosporin). In addition, parenteral nutrition must often be administered in such a case, as the patient can no longer take food in the normal way. It must be taken into … Treatment of particularly severe relapses | Therapy of ulcerative colitis

Diet – Therapy | Therapy of ulcerative colitis

Diet – Therapy A specific diet is not necessarily indicated in ulcerative colitis. However, in severe, acute attacks, it may be necessary to eat a fully resorbable elementary diet (astronaut food), in extreme cases even a full intravenous (parenteral) diet may be necessary. In the interval phases (remission; phases with few symptoms), a protein-rich full … Diet – Therapy | Therapy of ulcerative colitis

Stool Transplantation | Therapy of ulcerative colitis

Stool Transplantation A stool transplant is the transfer of stool or the bacteria contained in stool from a healthy donor into the intestine of a patient. The aim of stool transplantation is to restore the irreparably damaged intestinal flora of the patient and thus to produce or at least promote a physiological, i.e. healthy microbiome. … Stool Transplantation | Therapy of ulcerative colitis