Fields of application | Ginkgo

Fields of application A large number of pharmacological studies have been conducted with ginkgo leaves, their extract and individual ingredients. They have been proven to promote blood circulation in the brain, prevent damage from free radicals, improve memory and slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Due to its blood circulation-promoting effect, ginkgo is also … Fields of application | Ginkgo

Dosage form | Ginkgo

Dosage form Ginkgo is available in the following dosage forms: Ginkgo extracts can be found as ingredients of various hair shampoos or other cosmetics. Drop Coated tablets Film coated tablets Tea Side effect Overall, side effects are rare. Rarely ginkgo preparations can cause stomach – ladies – discomfort, headache or allergic reactions. Contraindication contraindication As … Dosage form | Ginkgo


Synonyms in a broader sense Medicinal plant: Ginkgo bilboa Ginkgo biloba: The ginkgo tree belongs to the family of Ginkgoaceae. Ginkgo actually Ginkyo (from the Chinese) translated means silver apricot. Alternatively, the Ginkgo tree is also called:. Fan Tree Fan-leaf tree Elephant leaf tree Duckfoot Tree Fan-leaf tree Girl hair tree or Japanese temple tree … Ginkgo


Latin name: Fucus vesiculosusSynonyms: Brown algae, bladderwrackPopulations: humpback seaweed, sea oak Plant description Brown algae are common in the Atlantic Ocean and on the North and Baltic Sea coasts. They form narrow leaves up to one meter long, branched with a clear midrib. The air-filled bubbles are usually arranged in pairs. The leaves, harvested with … Seaweed


Veratrum album Brechwurz, Germander, Lousewort, White helleboreThe plant hellebore can grow up to 1 m high. It can be recognized by its short and thick, branched root. The leaves are large, broad, elongated. Small, greenish-white flowers sit in clusters on panicles on the upper part of the stem of the hellebore. Flowering time: July to … Hellebore

Rose hip

Latin name: Rosa caninaGenus: RosaceaeVolk name: Dog rose, Hiefenstrauch, HundsrosePlant description: Up to 4 meters high thorny bushes with beautiful whitish or pink flowers and the well-known red pseudo-fruits in which the sensitive vitamin C is quite well preserved. Flowering time: June-July Occurrence: widespread at forest edges, raines, in bushes Medicinally used plant parts In … Rose hip

St. John’s wort oil

Introduction St. John’s wort oil is also known as “arnica of the nerves” due to its effect. Other names in the vernacular are “lifeblood”, “elf blood“, “St. John’s blood” or “God’s blood”. These names were associated on the one hand because of the red color of St. John’s wort oil. On the other hand, the … St. John’s wort oil

What side effects should I expect? | St. John’s wort oil

What side effects should I expect? One of the most important side effects is the increased sensitivity to sunlight. This especially affects fair-skinned persons. Redness and even burns on the skin may occur. With people who speak of a light allergy, it should be inquired whether they use St. John’s wort oil preparations. Many are … What side effects should I expect? | St. John’s wort oil

Contraindications for St. John’s wort oil | St. John’s wort oil

Contraindications for St. John’s wort oil St. John’s wort oil preparations are contraindicated for severe depression. St. John’s wort oil capsules should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. If a transplantation is imminent, it should not be taken before. It is contraindicated in combination with drugs with which it interacts. In case of intolerances … Contraindications for St. John’s wort oil | St. John’s wort oil