Pregnancy complications – What are the signs?

Signs and symptoms In most cases, pregnancies show a problem-free course without major complications. However, there are various risk factors and diseases that can lead to complications for mother and child during pregnancy. Risk factors can result from the medical history (pre/illness history), as well as from the examination of the expectant mother or during … Pregnancy complications – What are the signs?

Age | Pregnancy complications – What are the signs?

Age If women are younger than 18 years or older than 35 years (older than 40 years from the second child onwards), the pregnancy is classified as a high-risk pregnancy and pregnancy complications may occur. Among other things, complications such as premature labor and premature births are more common in very young women. In women … Age | Pregnancy complications – What are the signs?

Pregnancy hypertension | Pregnancy complications – What are the signs?

Pregnancy hypertension If during pregnancy, during preventive medical check-ups at the gynaecologist, the pregnant woman is diagnosed with elevated blood pressure values (over 140/90mmHg), this can have various causes. A harmless reason would be an existing nervousness or excitement during a visit to the doctor. In this case, the expectant mother should measure and record … Pregnancy hypertension | Pregnancy complications – What are the signs?

Ectopic Pregnancy | Pregnancy complications – What are the signs?

Ectopic Pregnancy Ectopic pregnancy is the most common form of ectopic pregnancy, i.e. the implantation of the fertilized egg outside the uterus, and is an important complication of pregnancy. The fertilized egg nests in a fallopian tube on its way to the uterus. This can lead to injuries or even rupture of the affected fallopian … Ectopic Pregnancy | Pregnancy complications – What are the signs?


Synonyms Abortion, abortion, abortion, interruptio Eglish: abortion Medical : abortion Definition An abortion is the voluntary termination of a pregnancy by means of medication or instrumental surgery, with the accompanying abortion of the child. According to WHO estimates (WHO=World Health Organization), about 30% of all pregnancies worldwide are unwanted. 20% of all pregnant women undergo … Abortion

Method of abortion | Abortion

Method of abortion In general, there are two procedures to choose from, surgical-instrumental and drug treatment, which are used depending on the indication and progress of the pregnancy. (1) AbortionA scraping (curettage) is suitable up to the 12th week of pregnancy after conception.The cervix is first pre-stretched to minimize the risk of injury. Under general … Method of abortion | Abortion

Signs of miscarriage during early pregnancy | Signs of miscarriage

Signs of miscarriage during early pregnancy The signs of miscarriage in early pregnancy are quite different from those in late pregnancy. In early pregnancy, vaginal bleeding occurs in most cases and is associated with the loss of the embryo. This is called early abortion (up to the 12th week of pregnancy). But not every bleeding … Signs of miscarriage during early pregnancy | Signs of miscarriage

Symptoms of miscarriage | Signs of miscarriage

Symptoms of miscarriage Many pregnant women feel great fear of miscarriage, especially in the first months of their pregnancy. This is the reason why almost every physical change and every pain, no matter how slight, is often interpreted as an indication of an impending miscarriage. However, in most cases these are completely normal physical adaptations … Symptoms of miscarriage | Signs of miscarriage

Risk pregnancy

Introduction A pregnancy is classified as a high-risk pregnancy if the pregnant woman has risk factors that can lead to complications for the mother or child during the course of the pregnancy. These can result from the medical history (pre/illness history) or after the examination of the becoming mother or with complications during the pregnancy. … Risk pregnancy

History of previous pregnancies | Risk pregnancy

History of previous pregnancies If certain events or complications have occurred during previous pregnancies or births, this may lead to the current pregnancy being classified as a high-risk pregnancy. These include abortions, miscarriages, premature births, a blood group incompatibility (Rhesus incompatibility), the birth of a very small or very large child, a caesarean section in … History of previous pregnancies | Risk pregnancy