Associated symptoms | Hydrops fetalis

Associated symptoms As already mentioned, the fetus has fluid accumulations in the body. These are often water accumulations in the abdominal cavity (ascites) or between the lungs and the chest wall (pleural effusion). Another symptom is an increased amount of amniotic fluid (polyhydramnion). Furthermore, the affected fetus often suffers from weakness of the heart. After … Associated symptoms | Hydrops fetalis


Synonyms in a broader sense Abortion (lat. Abortus), early abortion, spontaneous abortion, artificial abortion, stillbirth Definition Miscarriage (abortion) is the premature termination of a pregnancy, whereby this must take place before the beginning of the 24th week of pregnancy and the foetal weight must be under 500g (otherwise it is called stillbirth). The fetus (unborn … Miscarriage

Therapy options during abortion

Synonyms in the broadest sense Treatment options for miscarriage, curettage, scrapingPregnant women suspected of miscarriage should be admitted to a clinic immediately. The treatment usually includes a curettage until the 12th week of pregnancy. Any remaining tissue is removed to stop further bleeding and prevent infection. After the 12th week of pregnancy a birth must … Therapy options during abortion

What can you do yourself for prevention? | Therapy options during abortion

What can you do yourself for prevention? Since it is often impossible to name specific triggers of miscarriage in individual cases, it is difficult to give a concrete guideline. In any case it is an advantage to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This includes, of course, a healthy diet, avoiding stress and, especially during pregnancy, abstaining … What can you do yourself for prevention? | Therapy options during abortion