Causes of dark circles under the eyes of a child | Causes of dark circles under the eyes

Causes of dark circles under the eyes of a child Circles under the eyes can already appear in childhood. This often gives outsiders the impression of a poor general condition. However, especially with small children, dark circles often appear as a side effect of a cold. In children, the skin under the eyes is much … Causes of dark circles under the eyes of a child | Causes of dark circles under the eyes

Domestic composition for the treatment of dark circles under the eyes | Causes of dark circles under the eyes

Domestic composition for the treatment of dark circles under the eyes First of all, enough sleep helps with dark circles under the eyes, which occur due to stress or lack of sleep. However, this is often not possible, or the dark circles remain because they are due to other causes. In such cases it is … Domestic composition for the treatment of dark circles under the eyes | Causes of dark circles under the eyes

Conceal dark circles with glasses | Lamination of rings under the eyes

Conceal dark circles with glasses Patients who have a visual impairment can take advantage of this, as the rings under the eyes can be concealed very well with the help of suitable glasses. Not only sunglasses can conceal the dark circles, but also normal reading glasses with a suitable shape can conceal the dark circles … Conceal dark circles with glasses | Lamination of rings under the eyes

Covering eye rings

Circles under the eyes generally refer to discoloration of the skin below the orbit (eye socket). In principle, only the blood vessels and the blood flowing through them under the skin can be seen. Depending on the composition of the blood, the skin may appear darker than usual. Cause The most common causes of dark … Covering eye rings

Helpful cosmetic ingredients | How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

Helpful cosmetic ingredients Creams and masking agents containing caffeine stimulate the blood circulation in the sensitive area around the eyes so that the thin vessels under the eyes appear less blue. Vitamin A is highly concentrated and brightens the eyes, which is why it is often used against pigmentation spots. If the dark circles around … Helpful cosmetic ingredients | How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes