Duration of pain | Pain with a fracture of the femoral neck

Duration of pain The duration of pain after a fracture of the femoral neck varies greatly from one individual to another. It depends largely on the type and extent of the fracture. Slightly displaced fractures can cause little or no discomfort, while a slipped femoral neck causes severe to unbearable pain and requires emergency surgery. … Duration of pain | Pain with a fracture of the femoral neck

Rehabilitation after a femoral neck fracture

Rehabilitation after a femoral neck fracture The most important goal after a femoral neck fracture is early mobilization. For this reason, patients are mobilized for the first time as early as 24 hours after the operation. This is done under the guidance of a physiotherapist and adequate pain therapy (see: postoperative pain therapy). During the … Rehabilitation after a femoral neck fracture

Duration of rehabilitation for a fractured femoral neck | Rehabilitation after a femoral neck fracture

Duration of rehabilitation for a fractured femoral neck Often it is older people who suffer a fracture of the neck of the femur. Since they often do not receive adequate care and are unable to attend physiotherapy, in-patient rehabilitation is recommended. This usually lasts two to three weeks and follows directly after the hospital stay. … Duration of rehabilitation for a fractured femoral neck | Rehabilitation after a femoral neck fracture

Classification of the femoral neck fracture | Femoral neck fracture diagnosis and therapy

Classification of the femoral neck fracture Femoral neck fractures can be classified according to three different schemes. There is the scheme according to Garden, the scheme according to Pauwels and the AO classification. In Germany, the AO classification is the most common. In the Garden classification, four degrees of severity are used, whereby the deviation … Classification of the femoral neck fracture | Femoral neck fracture diagnosis and therapy

Prophylaxis | Femoral neck fracture diagnosis and therapy

Prophylaxis In the prevention of femoral neck fractures, a healthy and conscious lifestyle with a balanced diet and sports is the main focus. Exercise strengthens the muscles and bones and there are fewer falls and fractures. A healthy diet is also important for the stability of the bone. For older patients, the prevention of falls … Prophylaxis | Femoral neck fracture diagnosis and therapy