Complications of the pubic bone branch fracture | Pubic bone branchial fracture

Complications of the pubic bone branch fracture Unfortunately, some unpleasant complications can occur with a pubic bone branchial fracture. One of them is massive bleeding due to torn veins. Injured soft tissues and organs such as the bladder or internal genitals can delay the healing process and, under certain circumstances, result in permanent functional and … Complications of the pubic bone branch fracture | Pubic bone branchial fracture

The rib fracture

Introduction A rib fracture (so-called rib fracture) is a fracture of the rib in the bony or cartilaginous part. A serial rib fracture is when at least three or more adjacent ribs show a fracture. A fracture of a rib is when a rib is fractured twice, i.e. when a piece of rib is broken … The rib fracture

Patella fracture

Synonyms in a broader sense Patella fracture, transverse patella fracture, longitudinal patella fracture, longitudinal patella fracture, transverse patella fracture, patella arthrosis, retropatella arthrosis, patella fracture, patella fracture, knee Definition In case of a patella fracture, the patella fractures into several parts. This can result in longitudinal, transverse or mixed fractures. The therapy of a patella … Patella fracture

Symptoms | Patella fracture

Symptoms A patella fracture causes pain above the patella. Typically, the lower leg cannot be actively stretched or the knee joint cannot be kept stretched because the anterior thigh muscles (Musculus quadriceps femoris) can transmit the force via the patella to the lower leg. The fracture of the kneecap results in a haematoma. The bruise … Symptoms | Patella fracture

Bone fracture in the foot

When the foot is broken, several bones can be affected, so the toes, as well as the metatarsus and tarsal bones can break. In detail, these are very different injuries with different symptoms, which require different treatments. A fracture of the toes, the metatarsus or the tarsal is called a fracture of the foot. Thus, … Bone fracture in the foot

External fixator

Definition The term ‘external fixator’ is used to describe a surgical procedure to treat bone fractures or other bone diseases. Normally, fractures can be treated with a plaster cast or surgically with screws and plates, depending on their severity. The external fixator is usually used when the soft tissues surrounding the bone are so injured … External fixator