Introduction | Pelvis fracture

Introduction The pelvic fracture can be divided into different types depending on its severity. One possibility of classification is the ABC classification according to AO (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Osteosynthesefragen). Pelvic fractures are classified as type A, B and C according to the criteria of pelvic stability and the flow of force from the spinal column to the … Introduction | Pelvis fracture

Diagnosis | Pelvis fracture

Diagnosis The diagnosis of a pelvic fracture involves both physical and instrumental examination methods. Often the description of the accident or fall that led to the pain or restriction of movement can be a guide for the diagnosis. It is important to feel the pulses, test the sensitivity and motor functions of the pelvis and … Diagnosis | Pelvis fracture

Consequences of a fractured pelvis | Pelvis fracture

Consequences of a fractured pelvis In the context of a pelvic fracture, various consequences can occur for the patient under certain circumstances. On the one hand, the fracture of the pelvis can lead to concomitant injuries in the area surrounding the pelvis, so that, for example, consequential damage to nerves, urethra, bladder, intestine or vagina … Consequences of a fractured pelvis | Pelvis fracture

Duration of a spoke breakage

The duration of healing after a broken spoke depends on the severity of the fracture. Children usually have very good chances of healing, as they show better spontaneous healing than adults, so conservative therapy often proceeds without complications. If the spoke fracture is optimally treated and an adequate follow-up treatment with movement exercises under physiotherapeutic … Duration of a spoke breakage

Rib fracture during pregnancy | Rib fracture due to coughing – is this possible?

Rib fracture during pregnancy Rib fractures during pregnancy are not very common, but may be favored because the growing child in the womb places increased stress on the trunk. The increased pressure and traction can lead to a higher risk of rib fracture. Coughing in particular can cause a rib fracture during pregnancy. If a … Rib fracture during pregnancy | Rib fracture due to coughing – is this possible?

Rehabilitation after a femoral neck fracture

Rehabilitation after a femoral neck fracture The most important goal after a femoral neck fracture is early mobilization. For this reason, patients are mobilized for the first time as early as 24 hours after the operation. This is done under the guidance of a physiotherapist and adequate pain therapy (see: postoperative pain therapy). During the … Rehabilitation after a femoral neck fracture

Duration of rehabilitation for a fractured femoral neck | Rehabilitation after a femoral neck fracture

Duration of rehabilitation for a fractured femoral neck Often it is older people who suffer a fracture of the neck of the femur. Since they often do not receive adequate care and are unable to attend physiotherapy, in-patient rehabilitation is recommended. This usually lasts two to three weeks and follows directly after the hospital stay. … Duration of rehabilitation for a fractured femoral neck | Rehabilitation after a femoral neck fracture

How do I behave correctly after a broken rib? | The healing time of a rib fracture

How do I behave correctly after a broken rib? The most important thing for the healing process is adequate protection together with sufficient pain medication. In order not to cause any new complaints after the fracture, the physical strain should be increased slowly and carefully afterwards. Since the body concentrates on building up new bone … How do I behave correctly after a broken rib? | The healing time of a rib fracture