Frequency (Epidemiology) | Measles

Frequency (Epidemiology) Occurrence in the populationWorldwide, more than one million children die of measles every year. Especially in poor countries, where hygiene is poor and there are no vaccinations. The measles virus is highly contagious and breaks out in almost everyone who carries it. Once the virus is acquired, there is lifelong immunity. So you … Frequency (Epidemiology) | Measles

Diagnosis | Measles

Diagnosis In addition to the typical symptoms, blood tests (laboratory values) are also used for diagnosis. Often it is a gaze diagnosis based on the typical rash. The bipolar fever also gives indications. Antibodies against the measles virus can be detected in the blood from the exanthema stage onwards. These were formed by the body’s … Diagnosis | Measles

Measles in adults | Measles

Measles in adults Measles – a well-known childhood disease? Before developing a vaccination, everyone would answer this question with “yes”. But over time, adults are increasingly affected.Ten years ago, the proportion of people over 20 years of age affected was 8.5%, today it is almost 40%. This development, which is not only manifested in measles … Measles in adults | Measles

Measles during pregnancy | Measles

Measles during pregnancy The damage of a measles infection of a pregnant woman on her child is not yet sufficiently clarified. However, there are no typical malformations as with the rubella infection of the mother. Therefore, prenatal diagnostics such as amniocentesis is not recommended in the case of an infection, as these methods are invasive … Measles during pregnancy | Measles

Summary | Measles

Summary Measles is caused by a virus. This virus is transmitted by droplet infection from person to person – for example, by coughing and sneezing. Due to the high risk of infection, measles usually occurs as a children’s disease and is very common in kindergarten and school. Once the patients are sick with measles, the … Summary | Measles

Help in handling a Schreibaby

Definition: What is a cry baby? A screaming child or writing baby attracts attention through particularly frequent and persistent screaming. Doctors refer to a screaming baby if a child screams for at least three hours on at least three days a week and this behavior has lasted for more than three weeks. The crying is … Help in handling a Schreibaby

Can a screaming ambulance help? | Help in handling a Schreibaby

Can a screaming ambulance help? A crying ambulance provides professional help in dealing with the child. These outpatient clinics are often affiliated to pediatric practices, clinics and other counseling centers. The therapists of such an institution show the affected parents when the child is overstrained and how you can play and communicate with him without … Can a screaming ambulance help? | Help in handling a Schreibaby

What can the parents do against the excessive demands? | Help in handling a Schreibaby

What can the parents do against the excessive demands? It is often not easy to remain calm as a parent in this situation. Affected parents should therefore seek help before they are completely overwhelmed. Grandparents or friends may be able to relieve them temporarily and thus give them the opportunity to regain consciousness. Midwives can … What can the parents do against the excessive demands? | Help in handling a Schreibaby

Growth spurt in the baby

Definition Growth spurts in newborns are sudden changes in the whole body or parts of the body. This refers to the change in body size, but also to mental development. In this text we want to describe the process of growing. The growth spurts occur in most children at about the same time and depend … Growth spurt in the baby