What can the parents do against the excessive demands? | Help in handling a Schreibaby

What can the parents do against the excessive demands?

It is often not easy to remain calm as a parent in this situation. Affected parents should therefore seek help before they are completely overwhelmed. Grandparents or friends may be able to relieve them temporarily and thus give them the opportunity to regain consciousness.

Midwives can also be a relieving help and can give advice to parents. If the parents of writing babies occasionally reach their own limits, they should leave the room for a short time to get some rest. Under no circumstances should the baby be left unattended roaring or even shaking for long periods.

Affected parents can seek professional help in a crying ambulance, which will develop strategies together with the parents to deal with the situation well. There the infants learn to develop their natural self-regulation and the parents learn not to overstrain their child and to calm him/her down at the right moment. Osteopathy can contribute to the fact that screaming children can relax better and faster.

Osteopaths speak of possible blockages that cause pain and discomfort to the children. An osteopath tries to release these blockages to help the child relax. Certainly osteopathy is not the only help in this situation for every child.

Therefore, it is recommended to give osteopathy a chance to find out if it can help the individual. Homeopathy has never been proven to be an effective therapy in any study. Therefore one should be careful whose opinion one listens to.However, the homeopathic remedies have not been proven to have any significant side effects, so that everyone can try out homeopathy for themselves without having to fear danger. Homeopathy recommends Chamomilla, Colocynthis or Lycopodium for writing babies, just to name a few examples.

What is the long-term development of writing babies?

Some studies could show a connection between screaming children and behavioral problems in childhood and adolescence. This means that it is assumed that more children become socially conspicuous who were a writing baby than those who were not. They often respond even later more sensitively to their environment and its stimuli than inconspicuous babies, which can manifest itself in ADHD, anxiety, depression or even aggression.

Therefore, the problems of babies, especially crying babies, should be taken seriously. Screaming outpatient clinics and consultations can be a significant help in this respect, with a clear success rate in 90 percent of cases. This question has not yet been conclusively clarified.

It is often assumed that children who cry out react more sensitively to stimuli from their environment, but just as quickly feel overwhelmed by them. They can be mentally aroused quickly and easily, but need all the longer until they are in a state of mental relaxation again. It is assumed that screaming children also tend to have more behavioural problems later than others.

They show more often aggressive and destructive behavior as well as attention deficits. Therefore, the children’s problems should be taken seriously. Help can be provided here by a crying ambulance, which can provide considerable relief for almost all children and parents.

But of course not all former screaming children become socially conspicuous or problematic. About 60 percent of the children develop quite normally. The “attention deficit and hyperactivity syndrome”, which has been on everyone’s lips more and more in recent years, is a form of behavioral abnormality.

There is also a connection between the occurrence of ADHD and the considerable crying as a screaming child, which has been proven in studies. Already shouting children have substantial problems in the fact that to regulate themselves down or switch off. They respond extremely sensitively to all kinds of stimuli from their environment, but they also get into excessive demands just as quickly and need quite a long time to switch off. Therefore, babies who are writing should be helped at an early stage, for example by introducing a regulated daily routine or by visiting a crying clinic.