Examination of birthmarks | Black birthmark – How dangerous is it?

Examination of birthmarks

Most moles are harmless. To distinguish dangerous moles from harmless ones, the dermatologist examines the black mole with a dermoscope, a magnifying glass instrument. Using the ABCD rule, the dermatologist examines the spots.

A for asymmetry, B for limitation, C for color and D for diameter. Moles that are asymmetrically shaped, irregularly limited and have a diameter of more than 6 millimeters are suspicious. Different shades of color in a birthmark also make it suspicious.

The diagnosis of whether a black birthmark is actually dangerous can only be made by means of a biopsy after removal of the birthmark. The ABCD scheme of dermatologists can help to assess the risk of a suspicious birthmark. However, malignancy can only be detected histologically. This means that a mole must be removed and thoroughly examined to prove that it is malignant skin cancer.

When does a black birthmark need to be removed?

In the course of a screening, the dermatologist decides whether or not a mole must be removed. On the basis of clear guidelines, the family doctor decides whether or not a birthmark is at risk of degenerating into skin cancer.If a malignant mole is suspected, it is removed and a biopsy is performed. Only then can one say for sure whether the birthmark was actually malignant or not.

If malignancy is suspected, a birthmark is removed under local anesthesia. The size decides on the procedure. Very small birthmarks can often be punched out, while larger birthmarks are cut out with a scalpel. The wound is then sutured with one or more stitches. The fresh wound must not come into contact with water for a certain period of time and sports activities must be avoided for about two weeks.

Prognosis of a black birthmark

Most moles are harmless and do not cause any complaints. From a medical point of view it is often not necessary to remove a birthmark. In fact, some moles even recede by themselves. Suspicious birthmarks should be checked regularly and if necessary removed and examined. If black skin cancer (malignant melanoma) is detected early, the prognosis is much better.