Progressive muscle relaxation in physiotherapy

Progressive muscle relaxation is also called progressive muscle relaxation and is a relaxation technique for body and mind. In 1983 Edmund Jacobsen developed this method based on the realization that mental perception influences muscle tension. For example, our muscles are tense when we are under stress, restless or anxious. In contrast, our body is relaxed … Progressive muscle relaxation in physiotherapy

Postisometric Relaxation

Postisometric Relaxation (PIR) is a physiotherapeutic technique to relax reflectorically tense muscles. After a trauma, i.e. an injury, but also after an operation, our muscles want to protect the affected area by increasing their tone, i.e. their tension, and by reducing their ability to move in the affected area. It is often important to ensure … Postisometric Relaxation

Manual lymph drainage

The so-called lymph drainage describes the removal of fluids – the lymph – from the body tissue. The system is stimulated by certain gentle grips on the skin and the transport is supported. The lymph vessel system serves the body to remove bacteria, foreign substances, breakdown products and large protein molecules from the tissue. This … Manual lymph drainage

Further physiotherapeutic measures | Manual lymph drainage

Further physiotherapeutic measures The “complete program” of the so-called Complex Physical Decongestion Therapy, of which Manual Lymph Drainage is a part, also includes compression therapy and active exercise therapy. Once the system has been stimulated by the lymphatic drainage, the flow can be maintained by external pressure and a further rapid descent into the tissue … Further physiotherapeutic measures | Manual lymph drainage


For many people, electricity for treatment by a physiotherapist has long been nothing new and is more or less part of the standard program for treating knee problems, for example. But using electricity to transport substances into the body is new for many of us. But that is exactly what iontophoresis does. But how does … Iontophoresis

When should iontophoresis not be used? | Iontophoresis

When should iontophoresis not be used? Contraindications are not very numerous but significant. Under no circumstances should patients with pacemakers with iontophoresis be treated by the current flow. Not because of the medication, but because of the current flow. This can severely disturb the “current balance” of a pacemaker and its function can be impaired. … When should iontophoresis not be used? | Iontophoresis


The term “massage” comes from the Arabic and means freely translated as: “to touch” or “to feel”. Introduction The term massage refers to a process in which the skin, connective tissue and muscles are mechanically influenced. This mechanical influence is achieved through various manual stretching, pulling and pressure stimuli. As a rule, a massage serves … Massage