Quit smoking

Synonyms Tobacco smoking, nicotine consumption, nicotine abuse “cold turkey. “ Acupuncture for smoking hypnosis Mesotherapy Behavioral Therapy Nicotine replacement therapy (Nicorette) Drug therapy Cold withdrawal” means stopping smoking without any supporting measures. Acupuncture as well as hypnosis to quit are among the alternative healing methods of smoking. For more information about hypnosis, please read our … Quit smoking


Introduction Nicorettes® are classically understood to be chewing gums, which is why this article will also discuss the dosage form as chewing gum in more detail. Other dosage forms are plasters, sprays, lozenges and inhalers. Active ingredients The active ingredients in Nicorette® chewing gums are polacriline, nicotine, nicotine polacrine (1:4). Fields of application Nicorette® chewing … Nicorette®

Use during pregnancy | Nicorette®

Use during pregnancy Nicorette® can only be used during pregnancy and lactation if the doctor is consulted. In general, however, we do not recommend this as nicotine enters the child’s bloodstream where it can disturb circulation and breathing regulation. For this reason a pregnant smoker is always advised to stop smoking and not to use … Use during pregnancy | Nicorette®

How can I stop smoking? | Nicotine

How can I stop smoking? The regular consumption of nicotine makes, among other things, over the constant rise of nicotinerger receptors in the brain fast dependent. For most smokers it is difficult to refrain from nicotine consumption despite known health risks. However, some important tips can help to increase the likelihood that nicotine withdrawal will … How can I stop smoking? | Nicotine


Synonym NicotineThe term “nicotine” refers to a mostly alkaline, nitrogenous organic compound (so-called alkanoid) that occurs naturally in tobacco plants. Introduction For a long time, the consumption of nicotine was considered a social experience. But at the latest since the possible health damage by smoking was recognized more and more, humans tried to take distance … Nicotine

Smoker’s diseases

Synonyms Tobacco smoking, nicotine consumption, nicotine abuse Lung Cancer Throat Cancer Heart attack, cardiovascular diseases Diseases of the respiratory tract Addiction Other types of cancer Osteoporosis (bone loss) Changes of the eyes Impotence in men In pregnant women the adequate development of the fetus is endangered The effect of smoking on the blood vessels causes … Smoker’s diseases