What is the prognosis of a schizophrenic residual? | What is a schizophrenic residual?

What is the prognosis of a schizophrenic residual? The course and prognosis of the schizophrenic residual varies greatly from individual to individual and depends on various factors. On the one hand, the severity of the disease must be mentioned. For example, in very severe schizophrenia, the residual may last for several years or permanently, whereas … What is the prognosis of a schizophrenic residual? | What is a schizophrenic residual?

Therapy | What is a schizophrenic residual?

Therapy It must be noted that the therapy of schizophrenic residuals is often complicated. While classical antipsychotics, such as haloperidol, have only very little effect on the symptom spectrum, atypical antipsychotics (olanzapine, clozapine, etc.) show better demand rates. Unfortunately, like all drugs in this class, they are often associated with side effects. These include significant … Therapy | What is a schizophrenic residual?

What is the difference between schizophrenia and psychosis?

Definition Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that is difficult to define because it can present itself in very different ways. There are typical symptoms, such as paranoia and delusions, but the emotional experience can also be strongly influenced. Schizophrenia is therefore basically a disorder of stimulus perception and processing, which leads to an impairment of … What is the difference between schizophrenia and psychosis?

Where are there similarities? | What is the difference between schizophrenia and psychosis?

Where are there similarities? As much as the full picture of schizophrenia differs from psychosis in cause, course and accompanying symptoms, there is some overlap especially in the plus symptoms described above. Delusions, ego disturbances, loss of reality, hallucinations, mental and motor restlessness and the like occur in many forms of schizophrenia, but also in … Where are there similarities? | What is the difference between schizophrenia and psychosis?

What consequences does it have for the treatment? | What is the difference between schizophrenia and psychosis?

What consequences does it have for the treatment? In principle, there are two approaches to treating any illness: eliminating the cause and alleviating symptoms. If possible, causal therapy is preferable to symptomatic therapy. Schizophrenia has no clear cause and therefore cannot be treated causally. Antipsychotics can only be used to control the plus symptoms, but … What consequences does it have for the treatment? | What is the difference between schizophrenia and psychosis?

Associated symptoms | What is schizophrenia simplex?

Associated symptoms The symptoms of schizophrenia simplex are summarized as so-called negative symptoms. What they have in common is the flattening or complete loss of previously existing behavior and thinking patterns. In this form of schizophrenia, the first symptoms begin, it is believed, in adolescence. However, it can take years before they can distinguish a … Associated symptoms | What is schizophrenia simplex?

Diagnosis of a schizophrenic psychosis | What is schizophrenic psychosis?

Diagnosis of a schizophrenic psychosis First of all, physical causes for psychosis should be excluded. These include diseases of the thyroid gland, various infectious diseases and other psychiatric disorders, but also drug use. For this purpose, blood tests, neural fluid punctures, physical examinations but also imaging such as MRI and X-ray examinations or ECG and … Diagnosis of a schizophrenic psychosis | What is schizophrenic psychosis?

Treatment and therapy | What is schizophrenic psychosis?

Treatment and therapy Once the diagnosis of schizophrenic psychosis is confirmed, treatment should be started as soon as possible. In this process, supportive measures as well as medication are used. Pharmacologically, antipsychotics are given. Here there are the typical and atypical antipsychotics, which differ only slightly from their site of action. As a rule, attempts … Treatment and therapy | What is schizophrenic psychosis?

What is the course? | What is schizophrenic psychosis?

What is the course? At the beginning of schizophrenia there is the so-called prodromal phase in which for about 5 years rather unspecific negative symptoms are present and can be seen as a “warning”. They usually increase in strength over time. After that comes the psychotic phase with more and more positive symptoms such as … What is the course? | What is schizophrenic psychosis?