What is the prognosis of a schizophrenic residual? | What is a schizophrenic residual?

What is the prognosis of a schizophrenic residual?

The course and prognosis of the schizophrenic residual varies greatly from individual to individual and depends on various factors. On the one hand, the severity of the disease must be mentioned. For example, in very severe schizophrenia, the residual may last for several years or permanently, whereas in milder forms, the residual is often described as having a shorter and milder course.

However, it is also known that even after several years, improvements in symptoms can still occur. In addition to the severity of schizophrenia, external factors in particular are prognostically decisive for the prognosis. If affected persons are socially isolated and under-stimulated, this can lead to a significant worsening of the prognosis.

Course of the Erkrakung

Schizophrenia can take very different forms, ranging from a slowly increasing character to a very episodic occurrence. Schizophrenic relapses usually occur after such an episode has subsided. The duration and severity of the symptoms vary greatly from person to person. For example, in some patients, the residual can last only a few weeks and end in complete freedom from symptoms, whereas some patients live with the symptoms of the residual for several months to years. In the case of a very long course, the residual is usually interrupted by schizophrenic episodes.


The exact mechanisms leading to the development of a schizophrenic residual are sometimes not yet understood.However, it is now known that in the course of several schizophrenic attacks, certain areas of the brain show a loss of substance, which can cause functional limitations. It is therefore assumed that the schizophrenic residual could be the result of such a limitation. Another explanation is related to the therapy of schizophrenia.

While the antipsychotics used today usually have a very good effect on the positive symptoms (hallucinations, etc.) of schizophrenia, the therapy of the negative symptoms is more common than more difficult. As a result, this spectrum of symptoms may persist longer, in the sense of a schizophrenic residual. For detailed information, see also What are the causes of schizophrenia?