Forms of endurance performance diagnostics | Endurance- Performance Diagnostics

Forms of endurance performance diagnostics The most common form of endurance performance diagnostics is the step test on the running ergometer, bicycle ergometer or field test. The intensity is very low at the beginning of the test and is increased evenly/continuously during the test. By increasing the load and the associated increase in stress, lactate … Forms of endurance performance diagnostics | Endurance- Performance Diagnostics


Definition Connective tissue can be found in almost every part of the body. It encloses the organs, muscles and cavities of the body. You can imagine it like a very thin, tight skin, which is, however, quite tear-resistant and hard-wearing. It is also called fascia. The fasciae are responsible for the mobility of the body. … Grafting

Exercises against sticky connective tissue | Grafting

Exercises against sticky connective tissue Complaints caused by fascial adhesion can be alleviated by certain exercises and manual therapy. A distinction can be made between active and passive measures: Passive measures include a massage or therapy session with a physiotherapist. The physiotherapist can loosen the adhesions with manual pressure. A new trend that has emerged … Exercises against sticky connective tissue | Grafting

Pain in the connective tissue

Causes In many cases, remodelling processes of the connective tissue are responsible for the development of chronic pain. The connective tissue represents a large network of our body. In addition to the entire muscle apparatus, it also envelops the bones, nerve bundles and organs in our body and thus embodies an all-encompassing, coherent connection. The … Pain in the connective tissue

Which metabolic type am I?

Definition – What is a metabolic type? For approximately fifty years there are nourishing beginnings and Di?tempfehlungen, which divide humans into different metabolic types. The theory of the metabolic types says that all humans have different energy metabolism. This means that everyone has an individual need for carbohydrates, protein and fat. According to this principle, … Which metabolic type am I?

Which doctor does this? | Which metabolic type am I?

Which doctor does this? A metabolic analysis can be ordered and accomplished on-line, with the nourishing advisor or from the pharmacy/from the Internet. This is an alternative medical approach, which is why the analysis is usually not carried out by the family doctor.A metabolic analysis can be carried out in a nutritionist’s practice or by … Which doctor does this? | Which metabolic type am I?