Forms of endurance performance diagnostics | Endurance- Performance Diagnostics

Forms of endurance performance diagnostics

The most common form of endurance performance diagnostics is the step test on the running ergometer, bicycle ergometer or field test. The intensity is very low at the beginning of the test and is increased evenly/continuously during the test. By increasing the load and the associated increase in stress, lactate values and heart rate values can be compared with the intensity of performance (running speed, wattage) and evaluated using standardized tables.

To obtain even more precise information, the possibility of spirometry/spiroergometry is offered. Here the utilization of oxygen is included in the analysis. (respiratory gas analysis) Measurement by spirometry: Since the maximum oxygen intake is the gross criterion for endurance performance, respiratory gas analysis is one of the most important, if not the most important form of performance determination in endurance sports. However, due to the complicated measurement procedures, it is only used in selected areas. – Respiratory volume

  • Respiratory rate
  • Oxygen intake
  • CO2- exchange
  • O2- exchange

Procedure of endurance performance diagnostics

Anamnesis: First of all, possible clinical pictures and the current state of health must be determined in a personal consultation. The cardiovascular system is examined at rest. Measurements before the test: Spirometry is used to determine the current resting metabolic rate/basic metabolic rate of the body in a relaxed state.

In addition, weight, height and body fat percentage (possibly BMI) are determined. Since in many cases the reduction of body fat is the intention of the training, the determination of body fat is therefore essential. Note: A reduction in body fat percentage does not automatically mean weight loss.

In most cases there is a percentage shift in favour of muscle mass. Carrying out the test: When carrying out the test, the loads are now increased step by step and the lactate values are determined for each increase. This is done by taking blood samples from the earlobe.

In spirometry, respiratory gases are analysed with the aid of a mask. However, this type of measurement is only possible in laboratory tests. The test person is connected to a computer during the entire test procedure.

Endurance tests:

  • Cooper Test
  • Conconi Test

Since the values of a laboratory test are transmitted directly to a computer, the evaluation is available immediately after the test. Using data curves, significant conclusions can now be drawn. The experience of the test leader is particularly important in the evaluation in order to be able to interpret the sensitive values correctly.

The athlete can then use this evaluation to plan training in more detail. In addition to a performance diagnostic examination, a running analysis can be used to determine the running behaviour.