Fungal infection in the genital area | Burning sensation when urinating

Fungal infection in the genital area Fungal infections are possible in the genital area of men and women. In both sexes the causative agent is almost always the yeast fungus Candida albicans. The fungi can usually spread if the pH value in the vagina is no longer correct. This can be caused by antibiotics, for … Fungal infection in the genital area | Burning sensation when urinating

Prognosis | Urosepsis

Prognosis Despite intensive medical treatment, it is often very serious, especially if therapy is started too late. The lethality (fatality) can be up to 50% due to the following multiorgan failure. All articles in this series: Urosepsis Prognosis


Synonyms urinary intoxication, bacteremia, sepsis Definition In urosepsis there is a transfer of toxin-forming germs from the kidney into the bloodstream (blood poisoning). Pathogens are mainly E. coli (>50%), as well as Klebsiella, Proteus or Enterobacter. Urinary poisoning Causes Risk factors for the development of urosepsis are urinary flow disorders, a drug therapy suppressing the … Urosepsis

Pulling in the testicles

Introduction Pulling in the testicles is a symptom that can occur in many diseases. It is not always clear what the cause of the pulling is, so a thorough examination of the testicles and the surrounding organs is essential in order to make an accurate diagnosis. Likewise, pulling into the testicles is often accompanied by … Pulling in the testicles

Water in the testicles

Synonyms Hydrocele, water breakage Definition The term “hydrocele” (water in the testicle) refers to an accumulation of fluid within the scrotum. It is a mostly benign change in the testicle, which usually does not cause pain to the affected person. The water in the testicle can be limited to the testicle (hydrocele testis) or can … Water in the testicles

Causes | Water in the testicles

Causes The causes for the accumulation of water in the testicles can be manifold. In addition, a distinction must be made in the search for causes as to whether a hydrocele is congenital or acquired. The congenital (primary) hydrocele is caused by fluid accumulating in a funnel-shaped bulge of the peritoneum in the region of … Causes | Water in the testicles

Symptoms | Water in the testicles

Symptoms The symptoms that occur when water accumulates in the testicles can be quite different. In affected patients, visible swelling in the area of the scrotum usually occurs quickly. Depending on the cause of the hydrocele, these swellings can be unilateral or bilateral. The extent of the swelling depends mainly on where the water accumulates … Symptoms | Water in the testicles

Prognosis | Water in the testicles

Prognosis The prognosis for water in the testicles is usually very good.The changes associated with the accumulation of fluid within the scrotum are benign in most cases. Primary water in the testicles usually disappears completely without medical intervention. Consequential damage does not have to be assumed in the case of a congenital hydrocele. In the … Prognosis | Water in the testicles

Abdominal pain in men

Introduction Typically, the symptom “abdominal pain” is associated with the female sex. Although less frequent, pain in the lower abdomen also occurs in men. Pain in the region below the navel or in the small pelvis is referred to as abdominal or lower abdominal pain. The causes are varied and can be accompanied by other … Abdominal pain in men