Home Remedies for Skin Rash

Skin rash is not only a visual problem for the affected persons. Usually, the rash is associated with an annoying itch and can cause severe pain. Therefore, many affected individuals wonder how they can treat this rash with old-fashioned home remedies. Mostly, these people want a quick help and increasingly resort to alternative remedies.

What home remedies help against skin rash?

A poultice with coriander leaves can bring relief to the affected areas of the skin. Again and again, the treatment of a skin rash falls back on old-known home remedies. Basically, affected persons should only wash with a pH neutral soap, which is particularly gentle to the skin and agrees perfectly with it. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that clothing is very loose-fitting and thus does not cause unwanted friction. This is to ensure that the affected skin areas are not irritated even more. Affected persons also report that treatment of the areas with the rash can be treated very well with oil. Here, people like to use sunflower oil or lavender oil. The oil is taken up with a cotton ball and dabbed onto the affected skin areas. By wearing old clothes, the oil can very well unfold its effect overnight and remedy annoying itching. Applying fresh coriander leaves is also said to work a miracle. With the help of a poultice, these can stay on the affected skin areas for several hours. Furthermore, a warm bath can also alleviate the discomfort. Wheat bran can be added to the water very well. A bath in salt water is also particularly effective. For this purpose, about one kilo of additional salt is added to the bath water. You should stay here for about 30 minutes. It is especially important to dry the skin after bathing in salt water. Under no circumstances should you dry yourself with a towel or take a shower beforehand. On the other hand, only air drying on the skin can bring ideal improvement.

Quick help

Which home remedy works quickly for oneself can usually only be found out by simple testing. Not with each person the same home remedy strikes equally strongly and can bring in some cases also no improvement at all. For some affected people, daily washing with a pH-neutral soap is enough to alleviate and treat the symptoms. Already after the first application an improvement can be noticed. For other affected persons, this is often not enough. Here, other home remedies are also used and are often applied in parallel in order to achieve success. If after a few days no improvement has been achieved by the application of different home remedies, a medical professional must be consulted for the love of health.

Alternative remedies

For the treatment of skin rash, alternative remedies are increasingly used. Here there is a whole range of homeopathic remedies that specifically treat a rash. Particularly good success is achieved with the homeopathic remedies Antimonium crudum, Apsis mellifica, Petroleum, Selenium, Antimonium tartaricum, Sepia officinalis, Rhus toxicodendron, Staphisagria and Berberis Natrium chloratum. Many affected individuals also rave about acupuncture treatment, which is performed in several sessions. Significant relief can be achieved even after the first treatment. Often, special Chinese herbs are additionally taken to achieve better healing. Schüssler salts are also very popular today. For internal use, tablets are usually offered here. Thus, for the treatment of skin rash, the Schüssler salts No. 4 Kalium Chloratum, No. 8 Natrium Chloratum, No. 9 Natrium Phosphoricum, No. 11 Silicea, No. 22 Calcium carbonicum and No. 24 Arsenum iodatum are used. In the case of external application in the form of ointments and creams, the Schüssler salts are also used for internal application and have already helped many affected people.