Home remedy against athlete’s foot

For the infection with a foot fungus different kinds of fungi are possible. The so-called thread-fungi, yeast fungi and molds belong to it. The foot fungus is also called tinea pedis in medical terminology and is favored by irritations of the skin.

Frequently it is a question of tears in the skin in the spaces between the toes or on the sole of the foot. People suffering from diabetes mellitus are particularly frequently affected, as the transmission of stimuli from the feet is often disturbed in this area. The athlete’s foot leads to various symptoms such as itching, swelling and reddening of the area and the formation of blisters. Often a certain bad smell is also present.

These household remedies are used

The following household remedies can be used against athlete’s foot:

  • Baking Powder
  • Salt, lemon, apple vinegar
  • Garlic & Honey
  • Olive Oil & Essential Oils
  • Black tea & oak bark
  • Urine & toothpaste

Application The baking powder can be applied directly to the area of the athlete’s foot and should remain there for about half an hour. If necessary, the foot should be stored accordingly. Effect The types of fungi that can cause athlete’s foot require a humid environment in order to multiply.

The application of baking powder removes exactly this basis. What you have to consider The application and holding of the baking powder on the athlete’s foot can sometimes be very difficult. For which diseases does the household remedy also help?

Baking powder can also be used for heartburn. Application Salt, lemon and apple vinegar can be used in the form of a foot bath. To do this, prepare a saline solution with five spoons to one liter of water or a solution with a quarter liter of apple vinegar to three liters of water.

Effect The foot baths can have a local anti-inflammatory effect and alleviate existing itching. In addition, the germs in skin lesions are reduced by the acidic pH. What you have to consider The footbath should be used for twenty minutes up to twice a day.

For which diseases does the household remedy also help? A foot bath with salt, lemon or apple vinegar can also be used for inflammations of the nail or the nail bed. Use For the application of garlic, a clove is sliced and the area of the athlete’s foot is rubbed with it.

The honey is also distributed locally on the foot. Effect Both garlic and honey have an anti-inflammatory effect. Garlic has additional active ingredients which are directed against the pathogens of athlete’s foot.

Honey on the other hand promotes healing and regeneration of the injured skin. What to consider Garlic and honey should be used at least twice a day. For which diseases does the household remedy also help?

Garlic and honey can also be used in the treatment of influenza. Application Olive oil and various essential oils, such as lavender or tea tree oil can be used for athlete’s foot. In this case, a few drops are put on a absorbent cotton pad and dabbed on the corresponding area.

Effect Both the olive oil and the essential oils have a cleansing effect on the skin and lead to a reduction of fungal germs. Additionally, the regeneration of the skin is promoted. What must one consider?

The essential oils should be diluted as indicated on the package insert if necessary to avoid excessive irritation of the skin. For which diseases does the household remedy also help? Inhalation with essential oils can also be used for colds.

Application For the application of black tea and oak bark for athlete’s foot, the respective household remedy is boiled up with hot water. Afterwards a local application can be done with the help of absorbent cotton soaked in it. Effect Black tea contains so-called tanning agents, which promote rapid closure of skin wounds.

The oak bark also helps to regenerate skin irritations. What must be considered? When applying the appropriate solution, care should be taken to ensure that the water is at an appropriate temperature to avoid burns.

For which diseases does the household remedy also help? Black tea is also used in the treatment of conjunctivitis. Oak bark is often used for hemorrhoids.

Application Urine and toothpaste are also applied locally. The most suitable is morning urine, which can be rubbed onto the spot with absorbent cotton. The same is done with the application of toothpaste.

Effect Own urine has many enzymes and substances that have a regenerating and soothing effect on skin wounds. Toothpaste, on the other hand, contains direct substances that act against fungi.What do you have to consider? Urine or toothpaste should be applied at least twice a day. For which diseases does the household remedy also help? Urine and toothpaste can also be used to treat nail fungus.