
Diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, cancer, bacterial infections – all these diseases have something in common: the ingredients of the onion, especially the highly effective antioxidants, can alleviate the above diseases and even help prevent their development. But beyond that, the onion is said to have many other healing properties. Which onions are particularly healthy … Onions

Onions and Garlic

Onions and other lily plants such as garlic, shallots and chives contain sulfur and sulfide-containing substances that protect against cancer as well as cardiovascular diseases. Stomach cancer is a common type of cancer, the incidence of which is closely related to the food consumed. In onion and garlic growing regions, where the consumption of these … Onions and Garlic

Stomach Burn

Symptoms The leading symptoms of stomach burning include an uncomfortable burning sensation behind the breastbone and acid regurgitation. The burning sensation occurs primarily after eating, and pain along the esophagus may radiate. Other accompanying symptoms include hoarseness, coughing, nausea, difficulty swallowing, sleep disturbances, respiratory problems, a foreign body sensation in the throat, and enamel changes. … Stomach Burn

Home remedy for earache

Overview – What household remedies are available? For the independent treatment of ear pain vegetable means are suitable only conditionally. Besides it is to be always weighed in individual cases, which household remedy can be meaningfully used. In any case however the arbitrary treatment with vegetable means may not replace a medical examination. The symptom … Home remedy for earache

Onion, onion juice and onion sack | Home remedy for earache

Onion, onion juice and onion sack Onions have long been known as a home remedy for earaches. It is the essential oils of the onion that have an antibacterial effect and can lead to pain relief in cases of pathogen-induced middle ear inflammation. Especially the juice of an onion contains many alliins as an ingredient, … Onion, onion juice and onion sack | Home remedy for earache

Molluscum Contagiosum (Dell Warts)

Symptoms Dell’s warts are a viral and benign infectious disease of the skin or mucosa that occurs primarily in children and immunocompromised individuals. The disease manifests as single or numerous round, dome-shaped, shiny, skin-colored or white papules that usually have a central depression with a spongy core that can be squeezed. A single patient may … Molluscum Contagiosum (Dell Warts)

Food Intolerance

Symptoms After eating the triggering food, digestive disturbances usually develop within hours. These include: Flatulence, bloating Abdominal pain, abdominal cramps Diarrhea Stomach burns Depending on the trigger, pseudoallergic reactions such as a hives, rhinitis and respiratory disorders may also occur. According to the literature, up to 20% of the population is affected. The disorders typically … Food Intolerance

Map Tongue

Symptoms Map tongue is a benign, inflammatory change of the tongue surface in which round to oval, ulcerated, reddened islands (exfoliations) with white margins appear on and around the tongue. In the center, the fungal papillae (papillae fungiformes) are recognizable as enlarged red dots, the filiform papillae are lost and become more keratinized in the … Map Tongue

Breastfeeding – All you need to know

What is the breastfeeding period? As breast-feeding time the time is called, in which the child drinks mother’s milk at the mother’s breast. Breastfeeding begins immediately after birth. The children are put on as early as possible at the mother’s breast. On the one hand, this supports the connection to mother and child immediately after … Breastfeeding – All you need to know

Drugs | Breastfeeding – All you need to know

Drugs Taking medication while breastfeeding should only be justified if the active ingredient either does not pass into breast milk or if it does not cause harm to the infant. In principle, however, many medications are no reason to stop breastfeeding. You should always discuss with your doctor or pharmacist which medications cause possible harm … Drugs | Breastfeeding – All you need to know