Home remedy for the treatment of abscesses | The treatment of an abscess

Home remedy for the treatment of abscesses

Treating an abscess with home remedies does not always lead to the desired result. If the abscess does not open spontaneously within a week despite the use of various home remedies, a doctor must be consulted urgently and a surgical opening of the abscess cavity must be considered. In general, even when treating abscesses with home remedies, the person affected should never tamper with the abscess.

If an immature abscess is present, there is otherwise a risk of an inward opening. As a result, there is the possibility that the bacteria that are the cause of the abscess enter the bloodstream and cause severe infections or a so-called blood poisoning (sepsis). Ideally, the abscess should not be touched directly with the hands even during treatment with home remedies.

After direct contact the hands should be washed thoroughly and then disinfected. The choice of the most suitable home remedy for the treatment of an abscess depends on the stage of pus accumulation. Immature, still closed abscesses require a different treatment than those that have already opened spontaneously.

To strengthen the immune system and thus accelerate the healing of abscesses, it is recommended to drink a cup of nettle tea three times a day for several weeks. In addition, people susceptible to infections or abscesses should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. This is another way to effectively strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of developing an abscess.

In addition, the application of a compress soaked in hot milk is considered an effective household remedy in the treatment of abscesses. Heated onion slices are among the household remedies that most people are more familiar with from the treatment of earache. However, as the vapours from the onion can have an antibacterial effect, they are also suitable as a household remedy for treating abscesses.

Many of the affected patients also swear by the healing effect of fenugreek seeds. They should be mixed with about a tablespoon of water to a viscous pulp and applied to a sterile compress. This compress can then be placed on the skin surface for a period of about half an hour.

Furthermore, heated white cabbage juice applied to the affected area should be an effective home remedy for treating an abscess. In addition, daisy leaves and blooms, which are infused into a tea and then spread on the abscess, can accelerate the maturation of the pus accumulation and thus have a positive influence on the healing process. Other home remedies that are suitable for the treatment of abscesses: You can find more on this topic on the page: Home remedies against an abscess

  • Propolis tincture applied to the skin surface several times a day
  • Linseeds mixed with hot water to a paste
  • Arnica and Echinacea tincture
  • Porridge
  • Chamomile (is particularly suitable for provoking the spontaneous opening of the abscess)
  • Warm milk