Homeopathy for earaches

Homeopathic medicines

Earache in connection with a beginning general infection with stormy beginning in connection stand one treats in the initial stage best with the following homeopathic medicines: However, the following homeopathic medicines are suitable for earache with a gradual onset:

  • Aconitum (blue wolfsbane)
  • Belladonna (Belladonna)
  • Magnesium phosphoricum (after exposure to cold)
  • Ferrum phosphoricum (for colds and sniffles)

Aconitum (blue wolfsbane)

Typical dosage of Aconitum (aconite) for earache: drops or globules D6 For more information about Aconitum (aconite), see our topic: Aconitum

  • Stormy start with great restlessness, dry fever and frost (also chills)
  • Goes into a state with dry, hot skin
  • Face red when lying down, pale when sitting up
  • Pulse fast, hard and well filled
  • Exposure to cold, dry weather (strong east wind)
  • The sick (often children) wake up in the night (before midnight) with great anxiety
  • Earaches are associated with high sensitivity to noise
  • Intense thirst
  • Everything worse in the hot room and at night

Belladonna (Belladonna)

Prescription only up to and including D3! Typical dosage of belladonna (deadly nightshade) for earache: Tablets D6. For further information on belladonna (deadly nightshade), please see our topic: Belladonna

  • Sudden beginning of a general infection with red, sweaty skin
  • Violent heartbeat and pulsating throbbing sensations all over the body, but especially on the bright red head
  • Hot, steaming sweat in bed with frostiness when uncovered (wants to stay covered! )
  • Dry mucous membranes and a thirst for cold water
  • Body hot, arms and legs rather frosty
  • Pain in the ear is felt knocking and hammering
  • Used in the early stages, Belladonna can prevent the development of otitis media
  • Aggravation by cold, vibration, draught and excitement
  • Better through heat.