Homeopathy for the prevention of a cold | Prevention of a cold

Homeopathy for the prevention of a cold

There are various homeopathic remedies that can be taken to prevent a cold. The effect of homeopathic remedies is also based on strengthening the immune system, so that viral pathogens that cause a cold can be fought more effectively. Especially popular is the intake of globules (globules) that are melted in the mouth.

Aconitum is very effective in the prevention of colds. This medicine can be taken when a cold is on the horizon.For this purpose 5 globules should be dissolved in water and drunk in sips over a period of 2 to 3 hours. Echinacea is particularly beneficial for the immune system and can be taken when the cold season is approaching.

Even if the first signs of the cold are already appearing, pellets can have a positive influence on the further course of the cold. Nux vomica is helpful when the nose is congested and a first scratching of the neck occurs. Apis can also be taken when sore throat begins.

Camphora is also used in the early stages, when those affected start to shiver constantly. Belladonna is useful when the cold is already more advanced. Umckaloabo is also a purely herbal preparation for the prevention of colds when the first symptoms already exist.

For children up to 12 years of age, this is even available on prescription at the expense of the health insurance companies. In addition, there are various medicinal plants that prevent colds if consumed regularly. These include ginger, thyme, cardamom, garlic and St. John’s wort. Many of them can be drunk as tea.

Sport to prevent a cold

If you want to prevent a cold, you need a strengthened immune system. For this, not only a healthy and balanced diet is important, but also exercise. Regular exercise in the fresh air strengthens the immune system.

This does not require peak performance. In fact, they often achieve the opposite and put a lot of strain on the immune system, leading to weakening. Endurance sports such as a round of jogging, cycling or walking are ideal for keeping the body fit.

Exercise should, however, be a regular part of the daily schedule in order to have positive effects on the immune system. It is best to do something about 3 to 4 times a week to improve your condition. But remember: When a cold has broken out, the body needs rest. Therefore, you should not do any sports if you have a cold.