How can myopia be improved?

Synonyms in a broader sense

Medical: Myopia astigmatism, astigmatism, farsightedness


Just around a short-sightedness despite constant screen work or manyThis exercise should be performed while standing at the window or in another place from which you can see very far and look at distant trees, mountains, houses or even clouds. Then you hold your index finger about 20 cm in front of the tip of your nose and fix your finger with your eyes for a few seconds. Then you look for a few seconds at a far away place (tree, cloud, house, mountain). Then switch back and forth between the two eye settings a few times.

Exercise 2

In order to loosen the muscles around the eye, which can also lead to a deterioration of vision due to cramping, the eyes are slowly circled for a few seconds. Before repeating the exercise again, take a short break.

Exercise 4

Whenever the sun shines, you should let the sunlight shine on your eyes. To avoid glare and damage to your eyes, close your eyes while turning your face towards the sun.

Exercise 5

For this exercise you take a newspaper or a book and pick out a single word that you can only recognize blurredly at a certain distance. Now you fix a letter from the selected word until you can recognize it more clearly. This exercise trains the eye muscles in a targeted manner.

Exercise 6

If you already wear glasses, you should try to take regular breaks without glasses or other visual aids to avoid atrophy or cramping of the eye muscles. Since this is often difficult if you already have a severe visual impairment, so-called pinhole glasses (or pinhole glasses) are recommended. With these “glasses“, a plastic material with small holes is inserted in the places where the lenses normally sit.

When you put on these glasses, whether you are farsighted or short-sighted, you train your eye muscles and relax them at the same time, while you can see relatively sharply again. Grid glasses take some getting used to, but are at the same time very effective for eye training. Driving is not allowed with these glasses, but they are suitable as sunglasses.