How does a fruit acid treatment work? | Fruit acid treatment

How does a fruit acid treatment work?

A fruit acid treatment can be carried out at a beautician or dermatologist, but can also be applied independently with products from the drugstore at home. It is advisable to consult a cosmetician and a doctor to find out which mixtures and products are suitable for you. First, a skin analysis is made.

Here the moisture, pH value and fat content are determined. The cosmetician or doctor decides which concentrations and mixtures of fruit acids will be used. Then the skin is pre-treated.

This means that the skin is primarily cleansed. This is followed by the actual fruit acid treatment. Depending on the exposure time, this can last about five to 20 minutes.

The fruit acid is then neutralized and washed off. The skin then needs a few days to regenerate itself. During this time (at least three days) you should avoid sun, do not go to a solarium and use sunscreen if necessary.

Are side effects to be expected?

Fruit acid treatments are generally low in side effects. After a fruit acid treatment, there may be a slight reddening of the skin or a burning sensation. Temporary skin problems can also get worse.

Afterwards, however, they should improve again. In rare cases, an allergic reaction to the fruit acids may occur. Otherwise, no side effects are to be expected.

How long does a fruit acid treatment take?

If a beautician or dermatologist carries out the fruit acid treatment, one should plan on about 30 to 45 minutes per session. The actual treatment with the fruit acid preparation takes about 5 to 20 minutes. The exposure time is determined individually in a previous skin analysis. As a rule, one to two treatments per week are carried out over a period of about four weeks.

How often may one do a fruit acid treatment?

A fruit acid treatment can be performed as often as desired.In case of severe skin redness or a burning sensation, the further procedure should be discussed with a doctor or cosmetician. In case of allergic reactions, the fruit acid treatment should be stopped.