How is back pain treated? | Pain in the back

How is back pain treated?

Therapies depend on the cause of the pain and can range from the performance of physiotherapy to the taking of medication to surgical interventions. In general, pain should be controlled by medication and non-drug means. In general, pain can be treated symptomatically with non-opioid analgesics such as ibuprofen, diclofenac or naproxen.

In addition, physiotherapy can also help to relax tense muscles, for example. For prevention, i.e. to prevent the recurrence of back pain, targeted training of the muscles and back training should be carried out. Osteoporosis should also be treated with mobilization exercises, physiotherapy and muscle strengthening on the one hand and, if necessary, with medication such as bisphosphonates on the other.

In case of a herniated disc, early pain therapy is advantageous. In addition, it is important that the affected person moves, but without heavy lifting. In severe cases, for example, if there are severe motor deficits, surgery must be performed.

Whether vertebral body fractures require surgery depends on the stability of the spine. Slipped vertebrae are also treated by physiotherapy and strengthening of the back and abdominal muscles. In addition, triggering sports such as gymnastics should be avoided.

The temporary wearing of a corset may become necessary. If the complaints are severe and cannot be controlled by non-operative therapies, surgery should be performed. Consistent physiotherapy is also very important for Bekhterev’s disease.

If the symptoms are severe, it may be necessary to take glucocorticoids (cortisone) in addition to painkillers. If the course of the disease is particularly severe, treatment with so-called biologicals may become relevant. Biologicals inhibit the proteins in the body and thus counteract the autoimmune reaction.

In addition to physiotherapy to strengthen the muscles, a corset may be necessary in Scheuermann’s disease if the spinal column is severely deformed. Arthritis in the course of a chronic inflammatory bowel disease is usually treated with drugs that suppress the immune system. The scoliosis therapy depends on how much the spinal column is laterally bent. If the curvature is slight, only physiotherapy is performed. For more severe curvatures, corset treatment and possibly surgery are considered.