How to treat anemia


Anemia is when the blood values of hemoglobin, erythrocyte count and/or hematocrit do not correspond to the standard values. This results in a reduced oxygen supply to the body, which can make itself felt in the affected person in the form of tiredness and exhaustion. The most common cause of anaemia is iron deficiency. However, blood loss or increased breakdown of red blood cells can also be the reason for anaemia.

These treatment options are available

The therapy of anaemia depends on the underlying cause. If blood formation is impaired due to a lack of substrates, these should be substituted. Most common is iron deficiency, but folic acid or vitamin B12 deficiency may also be present.

All three components are necessary for blood formation. If they are not available in sufficient quantities, this results in anaemia, which can be counteracted by supplying the components. and folic acid deficiency anaemia Some drugs, such as cytostatic drugs used in cancer therapy, can also cause anaemia.

In this case, the blood count can return to normal after stopping these drugs. If a loss of blood, e.g. in the course of a gastric bleeding, is the cause of anaemia, it must be breastfed. Depending on where the bleeding originates and the extent of the bleeding, it can be stopped by endoscopic surgery or surgery.

If the loss of blood is massive, a blood transfusion can be performed to quickly replenish the blood reservoir and thus maintain circulation. Anemia caused by iron deficiency is the most common form of anaemia. Especially women of childbearing age are affected by it due to the blood loss during menstruation.

If the iron intake is not sufficient for blood formation, iron must be supplied to the body. This can be achieved by an increased intake of iron-containing foods or by drug therapy, for example by means of iron tablets or infusion. However, the cause should first be clarified, as bleeding or reduced absorption of iron in the intestine can also be the reason for iron deficiency.

Iron can be administered in the form of iron tablets, capsules or drops. These should then be taken on an empty stomach in order to achieve maximum absorption. However, they can cause abdominal pain, constipation and a black coloration of the stool.

In order to replenish the iron stores, the intake should take place over a period of three to six months. If the oral intake of iron is not tolerated, or if there is, for example, an intestinal disease that prevents iron absorption, the iron can also be administered as an infusion. This avoids the passage through the intestine and the iron enters the bloodstream directly.

However, since an iron infusion can lead to intolerance reactions and serious side effects such as anaphylactic shock, it should only be administered under medical supervision. The advantage of iron infusion is that the iron reservoir is replenished more quickly than by taking iron orally. As described above, anaemia can be counteracted by certain drugs.

If the intestinal passage is intact, components required for blood formation can be administered orally. Depending on the cause of the anaemia, iron, folic acid or vitamin B12 preparations may be considered. When these elements are supplied externally, care should be taken to ensure that they are taken correctly in order to enable optimal absorption into the bloodstream.

For example, iron is best absorbed when taken on an empty stomach. However, iron supplements are then less well tolerated. The optimal intake must be weighed individually.

Erythropoietin is an endogenous hormone that stimulates blood formation in the bone marrow. It is usually synthesized by the body to a greater extent in cases of anaemia in order to stimulate blood formation and thus compensate for anaemia. Erythropoietin is mainly produced in the kidneys.

If there is a disease of the kidney which results in insufficient erythropoietin being produced, the result is anaemia. This can then be counteracted by external supply of erythropoietin. In endurance sports erythropoietin is used as a doping agent.

Depending on the cause of the anaemia, an attempt can be made to counteract it by using certain home remedies. Nevertheless, the cause should always be clarified by a doctor to exclude serious causes of anaemia. In addition to nutrition, medicinal herbs and medicinal plants as well as essential oils can be used, which are said to have a positive effect on blood production.

However, the effectiveness of these substances has not been scientifically proven. For example, the plants andorn, quince or verbena can be used. Camomile, thyme or garlic oil can also have a positive effect.

Whoever suffers from anaemia can counteract this with a targeted supply of certain foods. Of course, this only applies if a deficiency of haematopoietic components is the cause of the anaemia. Iron deficiency is the most common cause of anaemia.

In order to prevent iron deficiency, care should be taken to ensure a sufficient intake of foods containing iron. In order for the iron to be optimally absorbed by the body, sufficient vitamin C should also be supplied, as this supports iron utilization. Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges or grapefruits contain particularly high levels of vitamin C. Foods that contain a lot of iron are for example red meat, spinach, bulgur, chanterelles or Jerusalem artichokes.

A daily dose of 10 mg for men and 15 mg for women is recommended. A folic acid or vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause anaemia. The following foods, for example, contain a high folic acid content: beef liver, wheat germ flakes, parsley or cress.

Vitamin B12 is found almost exclusively in animal products such as meat, cheese, milk, eggs and cheese. It is recommended to take approx. 400 μg folic acid and 3 μg vitamin B12 per day.