Incisional Hernia (Scar Hernia): Therapy

General measures

  • Recurrence prevention: to prevent recurrence of incisional hernia, the affected person should try to relieve the abdominal wall during all movements after surgery. Lifting and carrying heavy loads should be avoided for the first 3-6 months.
  • Nicotine restriction (refrain from tobacco use) – leads to wound healing disorder due to negative influence on collagen metabolism.
  • Aim for normal weight! Determination of BMI (body mass index, body mass index) or body composition by means of electrical impedance analysis and, if necessary, participation in a medically supervised weight loss program or program for the underweight.
    • BMI ≥ 25 → participation in a medically supervised weight loss program.
    • Falling below the BMI lower limit (from the age of 19: 19; from the age of 25: 20; from the age of 35: 21; from the age of 45: 22; from the age of 55: 23; from the age of 65: 24) → Participation in a medically supervised program for