Performance Diagnostics in the Endurance Field

Performance diagnostics in the endurance range is used to determine a person’s current maximum physical capacity by recording scientifically accepted body parameters under load. At the same time, the “individual aerobic threshold (IAS)” and the “individual anaerobic threshold (IANS)” are determined, which are relevant orientation parameters for endurance training.

Methods of performance diagnostics

Methods of performance diagnostics include exercise ECG, lactate diagnostics with determinations during the resting, exercise, and recovery phases, and measurement of respiratory gases and maximal oxygen uptake during exercise (spiroergometry or ergospirometry). In the medical practice, the stress tests are performed on the treadmill or on the bicycle ergometer, depending on the sport discipline practiced or the main form of stress. In the practice of competitive sports, field tests are also performed.

With the help of spiroergometry and/or lactate diagnostics, it can be determined in the stress test which form of energy supply (aerobic fat metabolism, aerobic carbohydrate metabolism, anaerobic alactacid metabolism or anaerobic lactacid metabolism) the test person uses depending on the stress intensity. Different energy sources are available for these different forms of energy provision (creatine phosphate, adenosine triphosphate, glucose, glycogen, body fat and blood lipids). The simultaneous recording of the heart rate makes it possible to allocate the individual types of load. In this way, an individual training plan can be created with specification of different training ranges and corresponding target heart rates. This is based not only on the individual aerobic and individual anaerobic threshold, but also on the objective of the training and the available training units per week.

Benefits of performance diagnostics

Performance diagnostics provide information about a person’s maximum performance and load capacity. On the basis of performance diagnostics, goal-oriented training can be planned and implemented. In the field of leisure and health sports, the data collected is used for optimal and individual training. In the field of competitive sports, performance diagnostics serve to optimize training planning and improve physical performance. The course of the performance diagnostic findings enables the objectification of the performance development and the constant optimization of the training plan.

For whom is performance diagnostics useful

Performance diagnostics is useful for all people who want to do efficient endurance training. In addition to competitive and ambitious recreational athletes, it is also health athletes of all ages and especially people with pre-existing conditions.