Injection lipolysis for pendulous cheeks | Injection lipolysis

Injection lipolysis for pendulous cheeks

The application of injection lipolysis is also suitable for hanging cheeks. Often they remain despite a successful change of lifestyle in the sense of a healthy diet and sufficient exercise. Since they quickly make the face look flabby and older, this is often a frustrating situation for the person concerned, in which injection lipolysis can provide a remedy. In more than 9 out of 10 cases, the injection of lipolysis can lead to success and, unlike liposuction, it can be performed on an outpatient basis and without anesthesia. The treatment itself takes only a few minutes including preparation (disinfection and local anesthesia) and is much cheaper and less risky than liposuction.

Cost of treatment

Like other cosmetic procedures, the costs of injection lipolysis must be borne by the patients themselves. The price of the treatment varies from practice to practice. Often the treatment is offered by dermatologists (dermatologists), the costs vary of course also depending on the body region to be treated.

The costs for a session start at about 150€ and can range up to several hundred euros and up to 4-digit amounts depending on the practice and type of treatment. A price comparison of several practices is therefore worthwhile in some cases. Of course, one should not only be guided by the price, but also by the experience of the doctor.

For this purpose, reviews from other patients can often be found in forums on the Internet. It should also be ensured that the physician takes sufficient time to examine the disturbing body region and find out the patient’s wishes.Thorough education should be provided, including the risks and alternative treatment options. This will ensure that you are dealing with a reputable and experienced practitioner who is not exclusively interested in making a profit. Accordingly, it is certainly worthwhile not always to take advantage of the cheapest offer, but to choose a serious and experienced practice where adequate care is guaranteed even after the treatment and where you as a patient have the feeling that your health is in good hands.