Iodine Acne: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

By the term iodine acne, a symptom of iodine allergy, a contact allergy, is named. Universally, allergies belong to autoimmune diseases. Under an appropriate healing procedure, contact allergy is cured.

What is iodine acne?

Iodine acne is a result of an overreaction to iodine. Iodine allergy is counted among actual allergies, since iodine is without question itself an allergen. In the case of allergies, the immune defense system reacts too much to triggering substances and makes corresponding symptoms. Since iodine acne exclusively affects a localized skin area, but iodine allergy affects the entire body, physicians refer to iodine acne as a local reaction to iodine, but to iodine allergy as a whole rather as a systemic allergy. The latter is noticeable by symptoms, up to allergic shock. In the case of iodine acne, one sees a whole clinical picture with regard to acne as a generic term, but with regard to iodine allergy rather a symptom. Iodine acne is treatable, however, it could come back when iodine is ingested.


For the most part, there is an overreaction of the body to intense contact with iodine in this allergic reaction. This trace element is found in food, table salt, and drinking water. In allergies, the body overreacts to allergenic substances, especially since it treats them like germs. An allergy as such is not caused by germs. Generally, allergy occurs not infrequently when chronic diseases are present. Many medicines can cause allergies. Unhealthy environmental substances are also the cause of hypersensitivity reactions. Such and similar factors can adversely affect the body and in this way promote the development of an allergic reaction.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Initially, the person expresses several vesicles on the mouth. Generally, papules appear on the face. With inevitable frequent ingestion of iodine with food, the signs of the disease worsen. They can germinate for the first time, but also again through contact with iodine. Now it must be taken into account whether the affected person is currently suffering from allergies or from cold sores. If all contact of the body with iodine is prevented, the hypersensitivity reaction soon passes. Future secondary diseases are not to be expected. It is true that iodine allergies can be averted by avoiding an allergenic substance in the future. However, infectious wounds can develop if the affected areas bleed on the face. The same are triggered by excessive scratching and by the use of spoiled as well as contaminated ointments.

Diagnosis and course of the disease

Since this complaint basically names a symptom and not a whole disease pattern, iodine allergy shall be considered as a whole. First, with the allergy-related diagnostic interview, the healer should inquire about all the signs that have occurred and involve any significant illnesses as well as underlying diseases. A medical examination is normally carried out in the dermatologist’s office or in a skin outpatient clinic. A disease diagnosis is made with the examination of the diseased areas of the skin as well as with the exclusion of cold sores at the doctor’s office. If necessary, a test for allergenic substances is done.


Iodine acne, if more extensive, represents intolerance or allergy. This can occur because of long-term treatment with iodine or from contrast media containing iodine. Iodine acne is usually due to a higher dose of iodine. Contact allergy is considered a true allergy. Further contact with higher doses of iodine may therefore become problematic. In contrast to local iodine application, an iodine allergy involves a whole-body reaction. However, iodine acne usually affects only the mouth and face or a local region of the body. As a complication of acne, boils or inflammations with foci of pus can develop. These can leave scars if left untreated. Therefore, iodine-related inflammations should be treated by a dermatologist, otherwise germs may be spread. In addition, the presence of an intolerance or an iodine allergy should be ruled out. In the worst case, this could lead to an anaphylactic shock reaction due to renewed contact with iodine. Further complications of iodine acne are not to be expected. Nevertheless, it may be advisable to reduce the iodine content of the diet.In the future, those affected should use iodine-free table salt. However, it is problematic that the food industry adds iodized salt to many of the industrially produced foods. The increasingly vocal call for iodization of drinking water could also cause the number of complications to skyrocket.

When should you go to the doctor?

People who experience health problems while consuming iodine-containing products should see a doctor. Iodine is one of the nutrients essential for life, so any irregularity in an iodine intake should always be clarified. Only in this way can comprehensive medical care be initiated and relief of symptoms be achieved. If there is a change in the appearance of the skin, there is cause for concern. If wheals or papules appear on the face, if pimples appear or if there are any abnormalities in the quality of the skin, a visit to the doctor is necessary. In case of itching, a general feeling of discomfort or hypersensitivity, a doctor should be consulted. In the case of open wounds, adequate wound care is necessary. If this cannot be ensured comprehensively, pathogens can penetrate the organism and be the trigger for further diseases. In severe cases, blood poisoning can develop, which is life-threatening. A doctor should therefore be consulted at the first signs, such as pain or spreading of the wound. If sensory disturbances occur, such as numbness or redness of the skin, a medical examination is advisable. If the visual blemish causes psychological problems, behavioral problems or changes in personality, a doctor or therapist should be consulted. If there are sleep disturbances, headaches or a withdrawal from social life, a medical professional should be asked for help.

Treatment and therapy

Usually, iodine acne is treated with antibacterial ointments. It is thus treated like any other acne. Avoiding the ingestion of iodine is significant because otherwise, despite treatment, the allergy may flare up again. Iodine acne is treatable in any case, treatment can be somewhat lengthy. Iodine acne does not show chronic courses. For stabilization of the organ system, the healthy lifestyle of the sufferer is essential. Excessive alcohol consumption, smoking as well as weight problems should be eliminated, as these can increase the susceptibility to allergic reactions. Similarly, antibacterial or anti-allergic ointments can have undesirable side effects. Therefore, these should be chosen conscientiously. Agents to increase the immune response should rather be avoided in the course of the acute phase. Desensitization, which trains the immune system to live with the triggering substance in question, is advisable if successful. However, this is expensive and is not usually reimbursed by the statutory health insurance funds. Avoiding salts and foods that contain iodine can permanently resolve iodine acne. Questionable treatment methods, which are not reimbursed by the health insurance, can occasionally be ineffective. As a result, these should be carefully considered before use. The help of trusted persons, acquaintances or self-help groups is also useful. Likewise, it may be beneficial to seek information about iodine allergy and iodine acne on the Internet.

Outlook and prognosis

The prognosis for iodine acne depends primarily on the lifestyle of the affected person. In addition, avoidance of the allergen is important, otherwise even treated acne will flare up again due to the intolerance. Iodine acne, however, does not tend to become chronic, so it can be completely eliminated after successful treatment. Since it is an immune reaction, avoiding iodine is the best way to improve the prognosis. It is sufficient for this purpose to avoid foods and substances that contain iodine in particular. There is no need to worry about underdosing with iodine, since iodine is also found in many foods that are not labeled as containing iodine at all and also contain the substance only in traces. As a rule, this normal supply of iodine is completely unproblematic even for a person who is prone to iodine acne. The healing of iodine acne usually takes place after a few weeks or months. Scarring may occur on particularly affected areas of the skin, although these scars may also heal in part or at least fade considerably. Permanent restrictions and medical complaints are no longer to be expected after treated iodine acne and avoidance of the allergen.


Avoiding the body’s intake of iodine and taking good facial care can prevent iodine acne in the long term. Iodine-containing foods contain labels on their packaging and they also differ in terms of the intensity of iodine content. Vaccinations against allergies are not available, especially since these would unnecessarily burden the immune system. Whether the acne could also be caused by other allergy triggers should be investigated. The preventive measure can usually also be supplemented by a good facial care for acne in general, especially if the skin is stressed anyway. If the sufferer has brittle or age-related thinner skin, this should be regularly moisturized. The statutory health insurance funds in Germany reimburse only in acute symptoms or generalized signs of iodine allergy the resulting expenses for the treatment of iodine allergy, less for the treatment of a mere iodine acne.


An antibacterial ointment is usually ordered for iodine acne. This form of acne is treated like any normal acne. Calendula oil is also applied as an alternative against the symptoms. In any case, iodine acne should be avoided iodine-containing salts and foods. This can cure the disease permanently. Also, the sufferer should change his lifestyle. Excessive alcohol consumption, weight problems as well as smoking should be brought under control, otherwise the susceptibility to allergic reactions increases. There may be a decrease in the quality of life and restrictions in the everyday life of the affected person. In this case, it is important that the sufferers are supported by their family, friends and by a psychologist. It is recommended to wash hands frequently and to use special care products for people with iodine acne. In addition, it is beneficial to ask the family doctor about the vaccination against iodine intolerance and to have it administered if necessary. Due to the many self-help options available, sufferers are enabled to alleviate the symptoms of the disease and live a normal life with it. If the affected person pays attention to known irregularities and acts quickly, a speedy improvement can be achieved.

What you can do yourself

In addition to treatment with an antibacterial ointment, it is possible that the patient himself can influence his disease or rather its course. Of course, it is important to immediately stop the intake of iodine, otherwise the body will not have time to recover from the allergy attacks. The treatment of acne is long and the skin needs all the support it can get. The patient has a strong influence on the healing process with his way of life, and therefore also with his diet, and he should take notice of it. A healthy and balanced diet that completely excludes iodine-containing foods is ideal. Such a change requires a lot of research in advance, since iodine is added to many foods in Germany. Pasta made from durum wheat semolina and water, certain types of bread, fruit, vegetables and a range of ready-made products are iodine-free, although ready-made processed foods naturally do not necessarily contribute to a balanced lifestyle. Patients should also take care not to smoke or at least limit cigarette consumption, drink alcohol only in moderation, and exercise several times a week to prevent weight problems. Too much weight promotes allergic reactions.