Lyrica® for anxiety disorders

General information about anxiety disorders

The cause of anxiety disorders is often multifactorial. Often it is a combination of different factors, such as: Mostly anxiety disorders are chronic and the therapy consists of a combination of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy.

  • Increased readiness to fear,
  • Traumatic life experiences,
  • Parenting style or
  • Dysfunction of CNS transmitters (serotonin, noradrenalin).

Drug therapy

Due to the chronic course, drug therapy should last at least 12 months. Lyrica® (pregabalin) is a drug therapy option for the treatment of anxiety disorders. Originally, Lyrica® belongs to the group of antiepileptic drugs.

However, due to its effect on the neurotransmitters norepinephrine, substance P and glutamate, it is also particularly effective in generalized anxiety disorders. However, the drug therapy of anxiety disorders mainly consists of the use of

  • Benzodiazepines and
  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Comparative studies have shown that Lyrica® relieves symptoms as quickly as benzodiazepines. Lyrica®, on the other hand, has a less sedative effect and produces dependency in fewer cases than classical benzodiazepines.

In contrast to the typical antidepressants (serotonin norepinephrine. reuptake inhibitors (SNRI) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI)), Lyrica® does not require a longer latency period before the full effect is felt. Likewise, the typical undesirable side effects of serotonergic substances, such as initial anxiety increase or sexual dysfunction, do not occur.

Dosage of Lyrica®

The dose at the beginning of a treatment should be 150mg per day. Depending on tolerance and effectiveness, Lyrica® can be increased to 300mg after one week if necessary. After a further week, Lyrica® may be increased to a maximum of 600mg.

If the therapy with Lyrica® is stopped again, this should also be done. As a rule, it is sufficient to slowly reduce the dose within one week. Since Lyrica® is mainly excreted through the kidneys, the drug dose must be adjusted to the kidney function.

Lyrica® is available only on prescription and must be checked regularly by the treating physician. The drug is administered in two or three single doses daily and can be taken during or between meals.

  • Slowly and
  • This is done by sneaking out.