The term malignant lymphoma refers to a malignant swelling of the lymphoid organs or lymph nodes. Predominantly, it is the so-called non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The cause of the development of such malignant lymphoma is unknown; the prognosis depends on the stage of the disease, the age and the health status of the patient.
What is malignant lymphoma?
Malignant lymphoma is often colloquially referred to as lymph node cancer or lymph node cancer. However, those terms are not 100 percent accurate because malignant lymphoma can also attack organs, such as the spleen and sometimes the lymphatic vasculature. There are numerous subtypes of this malignant swelling; subsequently, those are also decisive for therapies and prognoses.
Why malignant lymphs form is not 100 percent understood to date. However, there are various factors that can significantly increase the risk of any malignant lymphomas. These include persistent weakening of the immune system; people who take immunosuppressive drugs or who are also infected with HIV have a greater risk of developing malignant lymphoma. Researchers also do not exclude the causative agent of Pfeiffer’s glandular fever, the Epstein-Barr virus, when it comes to the development of malignant lymphomas. Time and again, Epstein-Barr virus has been linked to malignant lymphomas. Environmental toxins, chemicals and tobacco smoking may well also be linked to the development of malignant lymphomas. Age is also a risk factor. As the number of years increases, the likelihood of developing the disease also automatically increases.
Symptoms, complaints and signs
At the beginning, malignant lymphomas cause non-specific symptoms such as fatigue, poor performance, fatigue or even loss of appetite. What other symptoms may occur also depends in the end on the type of lymphoma and at what stage the disease is. The spectrum ranges from itching to skin changes, can sometimes cause persistent diarrhea or even heartburn like coughing. As the immune system – due to excessive proliferation – is unbalanced, disturbed and subsequently weakened, the susceptibility to viral, bacterial and fungal infections naturally increases. Malignant lymphomas sometimes also cause enlargement of the liver and spleen in the later stages; if the bone marrow is affected, a disturbance of the blood count occurs. Attention should be paid to the so-called B-symptoms, which may occur in the course of the disease. These are recurrent fever (well above 38 degrees) but not attributable to other causes, unwanted weight loss and night sweats. However, such signs of illness are not an indication that malignant lymphoma has developed. However, the symptoms may sometimes raise suspicion that there is a possibility that malignant lymphoma has developed.
Diagnosis and disease progression
If malignant lymphoma is suspected, various diagnostic measures are considered. In this process, the physician removes the enlarged lymph node (known as a biopsy); this is subsequently examined in the laboratory. In the process, attention is paid to the immunological, genetic and molecular biological characteristics; these ultimately provide the information as to whether a so-called malignant lymphoma is present or not. Sometimes the type of lymphoma can also be determined. After the malignant lymphoma has been determined, the physicians carry out the “staging”. This clarifies the stage of the disease. It is important to know how many groups of lymph nodes are affected and whether other organs have already been affected (liver, lungs or sometimes bone marrow). Various examination methods are used in the course of “staging”. These include ultrasound examinations, X-rays and also a biopsy of the bone marrow or laboratory analyses of the blood and imaging procedures (MRI – magnetic resonance therapy; bone scintigraphy or positron emission tomography, also known as PET). Which examination is actually required in the end or provides the best result is decided individually – depending on the patient. The prognosis varies.The main factor is how well the patient responds to the planned therapy; furthermore, age and general condition also play a significant role, as does the stage at which the malignant lymphoma is located.
Various complaints occur with this disease. As a rule, those affected suffer from severe fatigue and also lassitude in the process. Likewise, the resilience of the affected person is significantly reduced due to the disease, and sometimes a loss of appetite occurs. It is not uncommon for patients to suffer from underweight or nutritional deficiencies. Likewise, redness and itching spread on the skin, which can significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life. The liver and spleen become enlarged, and it is not uncommon for pain to occur. Similarly, fever and night sweats occur. It is not uncommon for those affected to feel confused and no longer take an active part in life. Due to the permanent limitations, it is not uncommon for psychological complaints or even depression to occur. The treatment of this disease is relatively complex, so that not in every case there is a completely positive course of the disease. As a rule, those affected are dependent on various therapies, which can also be associated with side effects. It is also possible that the life expectancy of the affected person is significantly reduced and limited due to the disease.
When should you see a doctor?
If irregularities of the organism appear, increased vigilance should be exercised. In the case of the formation of night sweats, a persistent itching of the skin or an unwanted weight loss, a visit to the doctor is necessary. If there are repeated fungal infections, an infestation of bacteria, fatigue, and poor performance sets in, a doctor is needed. If there is a feeling of tightness in the body, the formation of swellings or swelling on the body, a clarification of the symptoms is recommended. Loss of appetite, digestive disorders and diarrhea are further indications of a health problem that should be investigated and treated. In principle, people in adulthood should participate in the regularly offered preventive medical checkups. This also applies if they are free of symptoms. If they also suffer from heartburn, a sleep disorder or cough, the observations should be discussed with a doctor. If there is a recurring fever or an elevated body temperature, there is cause for concern. A visit to the doctor is necessary so that an explanation of the cause can take place. If the affected person has the feeling that he or she is less able to cope or is no longer able to cope with everyday challenges, he or she should contact a doctor. If confusion sets in or there is a withdrawal from social life, these are further indications that should be clarified by a doctor.
Treatment and therapy
Therapy is usually complex; it is important that the patient visit a center that specializes in malignant lymphoma. In doing so, physicians tailor therapy to the patient’s individual situation, allowing for the best possible treatment outcome. The question of which therapy is actually applied depends on the patient’s state of health, which is determined by various factors. The type of lymphoma, the stage, the state of health and also the patient’s personal wishes play a significant role. In the case of malignant lymphomas, chemotherapy, stem cell transplantation and 8[bone marrow transplantation]]s, radiation therapy, radioimmunotherapy, immunotherapy and targeted therapies with various drugs are the most commonly used. However, physicians focus on the molecular biological characteristics of the cancer cells that have developed. If the malignant lymphoma is very slow-growing, aggressive therapy can be dispensed with at the beginning, provided that the physician monitors the patient’s condition at regular and short intervals. This is known as “watch and wait” therapy.
Outlook and prognosis
The outlook varies greatly depending on the type of malignant lymphoma. There is a very good chance of cure for Hodgkin lymphoma. In contrast, the prognosis for non-Hodgkin lymphoma is mixed. The general condition of the patient, the age and the response to chemotherapy are decisive for the success of the cure.The timing of the diagnosis also has a significant impact on the prognosis for recovery. In the advanced stage, a final cure is rather unlikely. Life expectancy is then significantly reduced because the infestation has spread to other organs. Less than five percent of all cancers diagnosed each year are related to malignant lymphoma. Most patients have to start therapy around the age of 60. A clear majority of those with the disease suffer from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Some lymphomas are also clustered in childhood. If patients refuse treatment, they can get caught in a deadly cycle. This is because the body is much more susceptible to disease. As the disease progresses, vital organs such as the liver and lungs are also attacked. Successful treatment does not lead to lifelong recovery. Relapses are frequently observed. Follow-up care thus plays an important role.
Since the causes of the development of the disease are not known, and even patients affected by malignant lymphoma cannot be told for what reasons the malignancy formed, no preventive measures are known.
Here’s what you can do yourself
When malignant lymphoma occurs, the affected person should take it easy physically and not do any work or sports that are too physically demanding. An adequate amount of sleep and rest should be maintained. In addition, a change in diet may be helpful for the patient. The diet should be healthy and the patient should take care to consume all nutrients and minerals in the recommended amounts. Due to the mental stress associated with such a disease, the psyche is also affected. The patient’s environment is then of particular importance. The support of family, friends and partners is particularly important. In addition, psychooncologists offer professional support to those affected. Furthermore, patients can participate in self-help groups. There is a large number of self-help groups specifically for the various cancers. The participants of such a self-help group meet regularly. However, if the patient is unable to attend such meetings due to shyness or any other reason, there is an alternative. Such self-help groups can also be found on the Internet. Participation is anonymous and yet it is possible to exchange information with other sufferers by means of a chat. This can have the same effect as physically attending a meeting.