Sciatic pain during pregnancy – Is it dangerous? | Physiotherapy for sciatic pain during pregnancy

Sciatic pain during pregnancy – Is it dangerous?

As a rule, sciatica pain during pregnancy is not dangerous, but is merely caused by an acute irritation of the nerve. The pain can occur in a certain position or a certain movement. It can also lead to long-term pain.

However, if there is permanent pain, tingling in the buttocks or legs or motor failure, a medical examination of the pain should be performed to prevent permanent nerve damage. However, this is usually not due to the child, but is often caused by problems with the intervertebral disc. The normal sciatica pain that occurs during pregnancy usually disappears after birth as soon as posture has normalized and the gluteal muscles have relaxed again. Posture-correcting, strengthening gymnastics and recovery gymnastics support this process and can protect against problems with sciatica after pregnancy.


Many women suffer from pain in the area supplied by the sciatic nerve during pregnancy. Due to the increased strain caused by the baby’s abdomen, the woman’s posture changes and the gluteal muscles are put under enormous strain. Here, the sciatic nerve is often irritated, also by the weight of the child itself.

The symptoms can be alleviated by heat, massage or fascial techniques. A gentle, mobilizing, stretching and strengthening therapy is especially important to improve the symptoms. Acupuncture can be performed by doctors or alternative practitioners and can help to alleviate the symptoms.

Usually the pain disappears quickly after pregnancy. In case of permanent pain, sensitivity disorders or motor deficits, a medical clarification is recommended.